Moon 77 || April 21, 2020

120 8 99

Change: Building makeshift nests will now require 1 stick per nest, or 2 sticks per command.

Clan Stats

Season: Leaf-bare | [1/3]
Weather: Snowing
Event: None


Prey: 14
Herbs: 30
Sticks: 21
Border Strength: 0/20


Cats: 16
Shadow: 0
Shades: 1
Mists: 0
Healers: 1
Healer Apprentices: 2
Drifts: 2
Apprentices: 1
Queens: 0
Kits: 6
Prisoners: 3
Pets: 2


Shadow's Den: 1 (0/1)
Shades' Den: 1 (1/5)
Mists' Den: 0
Healers' Den: 1 (1/5)
Drifts' Den: 0
Apprentices' Den: 2 (0/20)
Nursery: 1 (0/5)
Prison: 0

🐾 Clan News 🐾

Once again, the cat was aiming for the Shadow. They'd use a different technique though- failure wasn't good, and it wasn't an option. The cat rolled into some mud to hide their scent- and their pelt- from anyone else after exciting the camp. The Shadow usually hunted around this time, according to what the ginger cat observed. Luckily, it wasn't an exception today. Rapidly, they ducked into a tunnel they scouted out. Mousey didn't seem like she heard their scramble, luckily for them. They waited there for what seemed to be forever...maybe they should take a nap?
The cat slowly closed their eyes, only to jolt them open again. There was Mousey! They launched themselves at her, but Mousey was on guard and ready for the attack.
"No!" She yowled out, loud enough for others to hear, and of course, two more cats just happened to be nearby. The cat attacked Mousey one more time, but fled before anyone could take a closer look.

Someone tried to murder Mousey, but failed! However, Mousey is injured. [-2 Energy]

Government must be established soon- 3 more Shades must be chosen.

Dixie has been promoted to a Shade!

Olivepaw ranked up to a warrior apprentice! A mentor must be decided for them.

Mentors must be chosen for Venus, Novapaw, Hollow, Juniper, and Lynx.

BreezeClan Stats

Season: Leaf-bare | [1/3]
Weather: Raining
Event: None


Prey: 0
Herbs: 32
Sticks: 3
Border Strength: N/A


Cats: 18
Head Warrior: 1
Head Healer: 1
Warrior Trainers: 1
Healer Trainers: 1
Healers: 0
Healer Apprentices: 1
Warriors: 6 (-4)
Apprentices: 6
Queens: 0
Kits: 1
Pets: 4


Head Warrior's Den: 0
Head Healer's Den: 0
Warrior Trainers' Den: 0
Healers Trainers' Den: 0
Healers' Den: 0
Warriors' Den: 0
Apprentices' Den: 0
Nursery: 0

🐾 BreezeClan News 🐾

"So?" a silky voice asked a she cat, eyes twinkling in the dim lighting of wherever they were, "what do you say?" Smoke that Drifts trembled, but attempted to steel her voice.
"Yes. I agree." The other cat purred- eyes would be a special treat for the hounds. In the blink of an eye, Silkyclaws had clawed both of Smoke's eyes, taking the body part with them. Sullenly, they tossed the eyes on the ground, muttering something about having to feed pets.
"So long!" their voice echoed, getting softer and softer until it wasn't there anymore. The atmosphere suddenly brightened, and Smoke was pretty sure her companions, Hollymoon and Sharp were besides her.
"Wow! What's happened to you?"

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