~Chapter 3~

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"Bad memories" you both said at the same time
You both sat in silence, avoiding each other's gaze until sans started to speak
"Y/n? Is it okay if I try something" sans spoke slowly as if thinking through every word he said very carefully.
"Yeah" you simply replied
"Okay...umm this might hurt... for both of us" you sat in silence waiting for sans to continue, you didn't really care about the pain part you just wanted to know what he was going to do.
"Im going to say...his name" sans studied your face for shock, anger, fear but all that showed was confusion.
"Uh okay"
"Okay on three... one...two...three...gaster" as sans said Gaster's Name you both got a huge wave of pain going through your heads (skulls?) which made you both fall off the couch. Luckily for you, and sans, this pain didn't last nearly as long as the first time, in fact it was over in a few seconds.
"What the f**k?" Was all you could manage to say. Sans didn't say anything, he just looked at me.
"On that day... you were thinking of him weren't you?" You looked away. Your not sure why you were embarrassed but you were. A slight pink tinge embraced your face as your turned to sans. Not trusting yourself to speak you simply nodded. Sans didn't look angry, or shocked for that matter, He simply had a look on his face that showed he was thinking. Suddenly (PINEAPPLES) there was a ringing coming from the floor, it's vibrated your coat pocket signalling that it was your phone. Sheepishly you went over to your phone and answered, not bothering to look at the caller ID.
"Hello?" You asked confused
"BITCH WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" That voice was the voice of your best friend, Cayla.
"Hey girl" you simply shrugged
"Ugh fine... I'm in a new... dream" there was silence on the line
"Wtf are you talking about?" You face palmed
"Idiot" you sighed "look at your door" there was shuffling heard as cayla walked over to her door
"Wait it's a- OOOOOOH" again you face palmed, somehow this girl was your best friend.
"So your with sans?" You stayed silent for a moment.
"Yes?" Cayla sighed
"God damn it bitch, I thought you promised you would go down there even with your mag-"
That's when you remembered that sans was still in the room
"AGH" you screamed. Sans turned and looked at you. You blushed awkwardly
"I mean uhhhhh can we not talk about that...?"
"You haven't told him have you"
"Okay well... tell him soon, okay? I've got to go! Text you later!" And with that she hung up. You groaned and put your phone down.
"Soooo" sans started "what was that about?" You turned to look at sans and saw him with his head tilted to the side like a curious puppy. You laughed
"Just cayla being strange" you always found if you laughed then the person your talking to won't get suspicious, unfortunately this didn't work with sans. He saw right through you.
"Okay... why did you scream though?" You started to sweat.
"And don't lie" his eyes suddenly went dark, there was no traces of the white pinpricks anywhere. Out of fear you just stared at his eyes, the black pools of nothingness. Yet there was something in there. Out of context you would think that sans was angry but if you looked deeper there was hidden emotions inside like concern and curiosity. You grabbed sans' hand and his eyes came back in shock.
"It's okay" you whispered. Sans took his hand away from yours and looked away. You also looked away debating whether or not to tell sans. You supposed you could tell him about your magic, that wouldn't do any harm right? But about the dream thing... how was you supposed to tell Sans that was actually a code for something. A secret you only told your friend. But sans was like family to you. He had been there when you were going through torture, always there to comfort you.
"Sans I-" you started speaking but once sans turned and looked at you all words died in your throat. Taking a deep breath you began to explain before you were interrupted by papyrus yelling sans' name. Sans looked at you with an apologetic look before running upstairs to see what papyrus wanted. You sighed and got back on the couch. You can always tell him tomorrow. That was true. With that final comforting thought you laid your head down and fell asleep.
Time skip brought to you by temmie flakes!
When you woke up all you could smell was bacon and eggs. It was an amazing smell to wake up to. As you opened your heavy eyelids you turned towards the kitchen to see papyrus cooking breakfast.
"Hey pap" you sleepily yelled
"NYEH?" Papyrus turned towards you "OH HELLO Y/N! HOW DID YOU SLEEP?" You smiled, papyrus was always such a cinnamon roll.
"I slept fine thank you, what about you?" You ask, being polite.
"VERY WELL! IM MAKING BACON AND EGGS. I HOPE YOU LIKE THEM!" And with that he runs off into the kitchen leaving you chuckling on the sofa. When you finally muster the energy to stand up, you stretch and crack some of you bones before heading out the front door. Going outside first thing in the morning always helps you wake up, todays weather in Snowdin was cold and sunny. Taking in a deep breath, you didn't even jump when you see sans teleport beside you.
"Heya" he says to you before sitting down on the front steps
"Hey" you hate to admit it but your kinda nervous about telling sans about your magic considering you've only ever told Cayla in this 'dream'. Sans seemed to noticed this so he placed a smooth skeleton hand on your shoulder.
"Don't rush into telling me what you want to, kiddo. Unless... ya know it's something I need to know quickly..." he trails off looking into the direction of the ruins door. Not knowing what to say you just leave the conversation into comfortable silence.
After being in silence for a few minutes you notice something being thrown in the direction of you and sans, this kicks in your reflexes and suddenly your right eye starts glowing a bright s/c.(my souls colour is blue for integrity! What's yours?) Using your telekinesis you stop the flying object in mid air. Looking at the odd object you realise it's only a rogue snowball and you let it fall to the ground with a plop. Sitting back down and sighing, you completely forgot Sans was there until you turned your head and saw him starring at you, completely aghast.
"Uh" you said looking at sans' shocked face
How was that for a cliffhanger?! You have magic whaaaaaaa? AND A BESTFRIEND?! Crazy....
I had to stop writing this halfway because I had no idea what my soul colour was until I took a quiz 😂 I recommend you do it to, it's really fun. Anyways see you guys with another part soon! (And it probably will be soon because I'm in a writey mood)
See ya my little Temmies
~Author-Chan out
(Word count 1231)

Sneaky edit here the girl in this book I was talking about it's actually my friend irl, go follow her whiffyoak

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