Bakugou vs. Uraraka

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Reader POV

I.M: This is a super human society with 80% of us possessing some uncanny ability. Cities swirled with chaos and confusion following the appearance of these powers and a new profession emerged, we call those who fight for justice and help others in need, heroes. Oh, by the way this is the story of how I became the world's greatest hero with my brother. (Play)

"The eighth and final battle in the first round of matches. He was kind of a hot shot in middle school. And just look at that determined face! From the hero course, Katsuki Bakugou. Versus. The one I'm personally rooting for, also from Class 1-A, Ochaco Uraraka!"

"You're the one who screws around with gravity. Right, Pink Cheeks?"

"Pinks Cheeks?"

"Well if you're gonna give up, do it now. Cause I'm not gonna hold anything back." I sigh.


"Huh?" I look at Iida.

"I'm curious. What was that strategy you came up with that would give Uraraka an advantage against Bakugou?"

"Honestly, it wasn't really much of a plan. Kacchan's so strong. When it comes to close combat, he almost never has any openings. And the more he moves, the more he sweats, which just makes his Quirk more powerful. He's gotten really good at using his explosions to move around in the air. But, if Uraraka is able to touch him, she can use her Quirk to make him float. She could send him out of bounds. That's why, it's obvious what Uraraka needs to do to get the upper hand." I smile.

"Let the eighth match begin!" Uraraka runs to him.

"Strike first!"

"Giving up isn't an option for me!"

"Wow, look at her go! That's a good start, and all she has to do is touch him one time!"

"But it won't be easy. You know Bakugou's not gonna let her get too close to him."

"Which is why he won't dodge. He'll focus his energy on counterattacking."

"And now you die." I sigh.

'So dramatic.' As she gets closer to him he throws one of his explosions blowing her back.


"He blasted her."

"Ugh, looks like Bakugou's not planning on showing her any mercy."

"I saw it coming and I still couldn't get out of the way."

"You shoulda dropped outta the match. There's no way you can beat me!" An explosion goes as the smoke clears, it was only her jacket, I smile.

"Woah! She flew her jacket over as a decoy! What incredibly quick thinking!" She's behind him, before she can touch him he sends his explosions to blow her back again.

"Look at that reaction time!"

"Seriously, the dude's insane. You can't get the drop on him. And since Uraraka can't use her Quirk unless she touches him, his lightning-fast reflexes put her at a huge disadvantage!" She runs to him.

"Too slow!" He sent another explosion at her, she comes from the back again.

"I've got you!" Again an explosion goes off.

"Is she okay?"

"I can't watch this."

"Like I always suspected, Bakugou's a total sadist." I roll my eyes. Explosions keep going.

"This isn't over yet!" He keeps hitting her with explosions.

"Looks like she's not resting between attacks despite being exploded. The poor girl."

Katsuki Bakugou x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now