Todoroki vs. Bakugou

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How's it going heroes, back again for another chapter, hope you enjoy.

No One POV


Todoroki sat in the waiting room looking at his left hand, remembering what his mom did to him.

'How did this happen? I pushed her out of my mind. I tried not to think about her. Then that fight with Midoroya... Mom...' The door slams open as Bakugou stands there.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing in here? This is my space to-. Crap, this is waiting room number two?" Todoroki was shocked then looked away, making him irritated, and walk in. "Alright, fine, so I may have walked into the wrong room. But don't think that means I'm not gonna be on top of my game, you got that?" He slams his hand on the table making an explosion. "You better bring all you got to this, Icy Hot!" He's shocked.



"He said the same thing. That fool. Instead of trying to win the match himself, he focused on breaking my walls. You guys were childhood friends, right? Was he like that when you were kids? So helpful." Bakugou clenches his fist.

"What does he have to do with any of this?" He kicks the table away. "It's all between you and me now. Focus on the match. That's the only thing I give a damn about. Whatever your family problems are, whatever you're feeling-. None of that crap matters, just make sure you don't hold back. Use your flames on me. I want everyone to know I beat you at your best." He leaves shutting the door.

'Let's see him try and use his powers against me when I'm bombing every inch of the stadium. I'll show the world what a champion looks like.'

"Welcome to the final battle of the UA High School Sports Festival! In just a moment here, we'll see which first years come out on top! Yes, it all comes down to this, folks! From the hero course, Shoto Todoroki. Versus his classmate, Katsuki Bakugou!" The crowd cheers. "Now begin!" Todoroki slams his hand on the ground making a giant ice wall towards Bakugou, but he uses his explosions to defend himself.

"Damn it!"

"Todoroki starts with a crazy ice blast! Bakugou seems to have been completely buried! Is it possible we've already got a winner down there?"

"This isn't like when he attacked Sero. The ice just now was more controlled. He's being cautious." Y/N grins hearing explosions in the ice.

"What's that terrifying sound?"

"It's gotta be Bakugou's doing."

"You're right." Bakugou explodes a hole in the ice.

"He used his explosions to tunnel through the ice like some kinda mole man!"

"These two are insane."

"You've got some pretty powerful attacks." Todoroki runs to Bakugou as he flings himself towards him as well. "But you're a bad aim." Todoroki raised his right hand to grab at Bakugou, but he uses his explosion to move to his left side and grabs him. "Try harder."

"He dodged his right side with a blast!"


"Are you underestimating me? Idiot!" Bakugou throws Todoroki towards the edge but he uses his ice to surf away.

"Todoroki surfs an ice wave to avoid going out of bounds. Looks like fun." Bakugou avoids the ice as Todoroki grabs him with his left arm and throws him.

"Stop screwing around. What, do you think I'm not worthy of your fire?"

"Bakugou timed his explosions and grabbed Todoroki's left side on purpose. He's done his research. His aptitude for this becomes more apparent with every fight."

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