Chapter 2

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-It's funny how sometimes the people you'd take a bullet for, are actually the ones behind the trigger. People will hurt you and they will act like you hurt them. Salt looks like sugar, don't trust everything you see.-

Friends mean the world to Fukushima, Nakamoto, Kaiamoto, and Saito. They're like family. But when it comes to fake friends, they're all against it. They have had some encounters with students that have spilled their secrets after being their "friends". An example of a fake friend is Hirishima Gaio. Gaio was a good friend of the trio, until one day, he told his real friends about Hanna's quirk, and how it had been a secret meant only for the four individuals. That's when everyone started bullying her. Luckily, he left about a month after the situation occurred, and the school went back to normal.

Fukushima Conor POV

August 7 - 7:15 AM (morning)


Oh gosh, my first day at UA! My mom left me a note before she left for work:

Good luck on first day of UA! Clothes are in the laundry!

Love, Your beautiful Mother

After I got dressed, Hanna called me.


"Moshi Moshi!" I said.



"I called you 7 times! Why didn't you answer?"

"GOMEN'NASAI! I had to get ready for the first da-"

"It's fine, I forgive you," she replied, "anyways, wanna meet at the park?"


"Okay, bai bai!"

I hurried because it usually takes me around five minutes later than Hanna to get to the park. I hurried as fast as I could that I forgot my glasses, so when I saw Hanna waving at me from the park, I thought it was a stranger trying to wave at me.

"Hello!" Hanna said.

"Hi! long time no see!" I replied.

"Yeah, I forgot that we had summer."

I saw someone chasing after us from behind. It was Cameron!

"You nerds left me behind!" He said

"Yeah, nice to see you too, Cameron" I answered.

When we were about to get inside the library to UA, my mother texted me:

Make sure to get pictures with you and your friends by the UA sign outside!♡

"My mom wants us to get pictures in front of the UA statue." I said.

"Oh, HECK NO!" Cameron exclaimed.

"If only All Might was here," Hanna said with a slightly depressed tone.

"Say 'cheese!'" The stranger holding my phone to take our picture said.

"CHEESE!" The three of us exclaimed. As we got into the library, we saw Deku, the number 1 hero (also my idol)! We saw a sign that said:

Signature: 110 yen

Selfie: 550 yen

Merchandise: 825 yen

"No, I hardly have any yen on me!" I said in a depressed tone of voice.

"I'll buy you guys each 2 items of your choice." Hanna said, while she pulled out 3,000 yen out of her backpack.

"Sweet! Then I'll have enough to buy a signature, a selfie, and a shirt of his catchphrase!" I said in excitement

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