Chapter 5

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Nakamoto Hanna POV.

From the last 2 hours, we have been researching places that Kurogiri/Jax might be using as a secret base. Thankfully, the other pro-hero teachers at UA helped us. It was already dark, and everyone decided to continue researching in the morning, when it's bright enough for people to search for more places. I couldn't stop. What if Cameron was in grave danger? I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if Cameron dies. He's one of us, and if he's not with us, our lives will fall apart. All four of us individuals have each other to rely on. If we lose one, we lose all. Were nothing without one. I told Riley and Conor that I'd keep searching for Cameron. Both probably felt bad, so they also decided to keep searching. UGH. Only if I kept in contact with that nice detective who liked my quirk. And there went lil' dumb me, not believing him, and didn't keep his number just in case of emergencies. He would be a great help right now. We went to Cameron's house and told his parents that he was taken by a villain. His parents were devastated to hear the news, so they decided to come with us on the search. We called our parents and told them that something bad had happened to Cameron, and his parents and Deku would be with us, so we were going home late.

First, we looked at the church that had just been closed due to repairs. We looked at the old market that resides right by the border of Hosu city. We looked everywhere, but still couldn't find Kurogiri.

Suddenly, Conor said something that made us hope for the best.

"If Kurogiri's base isn't here, then I think we should check the old toy factory." Conor said.

The rest of us nodded our heads in approval.

Onto the old Toy Factory. We had to pick up the pace. No one knows what has happened to Cameron, but we know that he's probably in danger.

Fukushima Conor POV.

When we got to the old toy factory, I noticed a sign that said:

Do not go any further. Trespassers will be killed.

"I think this is i-"

"SMASH!" Deku shouted as he punched a hole through the wall.

"What do you see?" I ask.

"I see a weird portal-looking object, but I can't go through."

"Maybe I can open it. I mean, my quirk is meant to control portals. I'll try to get in."

"No Conor, it's too risky. After all, you aren't even close to being a hero yet. Hell, you've only been at UA for only about a week!"

I didn't care what he said. When I was younger, my father would always tell me, " Remember this-you can never be too prepared," so I opened it anyways and dove in.

I fell into a dark room, where I could hear yelling, almost as if their mouth was tied up. I remembered that I had a lighter in my pocket,, so I quickly reached into my pocket and lit it. I could see who was there. It was Eijiro James, tied up in a chair!

"James, what the hell happened?" I asked as I untied him from the chair.

"They, They," He said, catching his breath, "They got me and Cameron, and tied me up. We have to get out of here, quickly!"

"Okay, but do you know anything that happened?"

"Yeah. I saw Jax holding Cameron while carrying him out of the factory. He said, 'I'll be back in about 4 hours,' but it's already been 4 hours, 4 minutes, and 32 seconds!"

"How do you know?"

"I started counting after he left. He left through that door," He pointed to the west door.

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