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"Well shit." Joel says pulling me from my dark thoughts.

My body subconsciously following behind him while I drifted in my mind. Not the smartest thing to do in this world but I got away with it from time to time.

"How are we gonna get past this?" Joel asks making me look at the problem ahead of us.

We were standing in front of a tall locked chain link gate.

"I could unlock it." Ellie says.

"The hell you could." Joel says looking at her.

"I meant if you put me over the otherside I could open the door."

"No, were not doing that."

"Well why not?" I ask earning both their gazes.

"I mean she's a lot lighter to lift then me or you. It would take both of us to get your big o'l 5'11, 200 pound body over it, so why not let Ellie go?"

"I ain't doing it." He says glaring at me.

"Fine I'll do it."



"Because I can't cover you if your over there."

"Oh my gosh I'll be over there for two seconds." I say wondering why he is suddenly being so overprotective.

"Hey!" He says looking over me I turn to see Ellie climbing over the gate.

"Oh my gosh help her." I say Joel quickly moving under her to steady her footing.

She grunts as she gets on the other side her dropping to the ground with ease.

"I made it." She says smiling at us.

"Yeah yeah now just unlock it."

She pulls the pipe jamming it closed out of the way and drops it then I watch as the gate swings open.

"Tadah." She says smiling.

Joel rolls his eyes and walks through it, but not before I see the slight smile on his face.

"Good job." I say smiling at her as I walk past her.

"Thanks." She says back.

On the other side of the fence is a normal town street of a few shops. Both ends of it barricaded off.

"Say let's say we get a car from this bubby of yours then what?"

"Well then we go find Tommy."

"Marlene said he was your brother."

'Yeah, more importantly he used to be a firefly." Joel says.

"He'll know where to take you." I say smiling at her as Joel starts walking down the street.

"He leaves far from here so that's why we need the car."

"Oh okay." Ellie says looking a little overwhelmed.

"Don't worry we're gonna figure all this out." I sa6y smiling at hr as Joel jimmys open a truck and starts digging in it.

"Should I look for supplies too?"

"Yeah." I say smiling at her us both going to the car with Joel.

Joel leaves us to it him going to a small courtyard and starts looking around. I don't really do anything just bounce my eye from Ellie to Joel making sure they are both okay.

"Can we go in there?" She asks me pointing to the music store on the corner.

"Sure let's tell Joel where we are going first." I say walking over to the way he went.

The Cowboy and The GirlOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant