Chapter 3

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"As my official bride," Cat Blanc said to himself as he made Marinette fall into a deep sleep.

"C-Cat," Marinette tried to call his name but it was too silent to hear.

"Shh," Cat Blanc hushed her and jumped over the rooftop till he got to Marinette's room and laid her on her chaise lounge.

Placing her down, he looked at her room and decided to make sure she wasn't awake but she wasn't and continued looking around as pictures of him as Adrien and Cat Noir.

A note saying:

I love you Adrien with all my heart including Cat Noir and Luka but I couldn't pick who so I'm going to let my heart decide instead of you guys fighting over me. - Marinette.

Cat Blanc blushed as his emotionless face hid the blush as Hawkmoth's voice still boomed in his head and got angry.

"I need you to get Ladybug's miraculous then you can have her for yourself!" Hawkmoth said furious as he was with his other akumas.

"I'm not going to listen to you old man," Cat Blanc locked her trapdoor and room and left to cataclysm Hawkmoth.

Hawkmoth jumped out his lair only to realize, he made the wrong move.

"Butterfly man has finally stepped out of his coop he calls a lair!" Cat Blanc yelled as he smirked as he lunged at Hawkmoth with his hand already activated with his cataclysm.

"Cataclysm! You're going to regret being in my way!" Cat Blanc clawed at Hawkmoth's face as he tried running away.

"What's wrong with you Cat Blanc?" Hawkmoth asked in fear thinking he akumatized the wrong person. Wrong person indeed.

"Oh! Hide and seek? I thought villians are always cowards but I think I was right!" Cat Blanc declared as Hawkmoth's body was being slammed and cataclysmed.

"Noo!" Hawkmoth's last word boomed off the Effiel tower as he faded away to nothing. (Just like the Cat Blanc episode except only he died)

With that, Cat Blanc ran back to Marinette's home before her parents came. While Cat Blanc was jumping rooftops, Tikki immediately rushed to take her earrings so that he won't sneak them off her and left to hide in her sewing kit as Cat Blanc saw and admired Marinette's sleeping figure as he packed everything she had in her room so he could move her in with him.

After a few hours, Cat Blanc finished packing up and moving the boxes so he could swoop her in his arms as he leaped to his  new place as he also took her sewing machine and kit.

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