A Unsolved Mystery

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the video at the top is beautiful~~~


(This is for clarification so the 6 years that see Sakura had been in the village they didn't notice her because she was like half way in the world of the dead because she didn't have control over her power and now that see does living people can see her see can still see the dead and all it's just now she can travel between the 4 world land of the living, the middle, the land of the dead, and last the spirt child world...ok so let me explain this part so since Sakura is immortal and a spirt child if she is 'killed' in the land of the living she goes to the middle she can come back anytime she wanted. If she gets to emotional them she gets sent to the middle. If she dies then she goes to the middle. If she wants she goes to the middle or spirt child world with out use of chakra.

So you guys may be slightly confused with the differences of the middle and land of the dead. Ok so in the middle Sakura can see and talk to ghosts she doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep in that world. So basically Sakura is a median in the middle. In the land of the dead only ghost who finished what they wanted to do or accomplished there goals go. The one who haven't go to the middle. Spirt children are an acceptation they get there own world cause there on a different level ghosts can't move things around them when they die. Spirt Children are allowed to move thing around them to help fellow spirt children. They can also appear to the living there just see through. Before you ask yes the ghosts of spirt children can still do jutsu it just drains life energy and make them so they have to return to the spirt child realm)

Any way I decided to write a extra long chapter (brought to you by Jashin in a kitty costume)

Sakura pov

Some old white haired dude started talking to me when I got to the K.I.A stone "Hey little girl with pink hair who are you? I haven't seen you around this village before." I couldn't believe it (Naruto-BELIEVE IT) people can see me it worked I mentality cheered. Then realized I still haven't said anything I need to play my cards right especially after my last village 'shudder'. For now let play the innocent 6 year old lost little girl

"W-who mm-me" I knew it was working his eyes softened. Man can't wait to tell Rin about what's been going down she so gonna flip when I tell her we met in my last life. Wait hold that though this guy looks familiar as well...wait wasn't he the other boy I'm mean other than Goggle boy...Well Dam might as talk to him...He then asked me "Are you lost cause I can take you home if you want?" shit I don't have a home I was planning on just going to the middle to sleep. Ok keep calm got to keep up the charade. "I d-don't have a home I just wvisting a frwiend at that biggg stone ower thwere" I pointed to the K.I.A stone. The man look down at me with sadness in his eyes. Mission Success- make him feel bad for you check.

"Come on lets take you to the old man. I sure he can do something about your situation. Then probably get you into a home to be taken care of." Shit then I would have to watch what I do around then uhh this is gonna be difficult. I guess I could use a shadow clone that could work wonders. Before that though I got to explain to my friend and tell them what going on "Mwah k but first I wanna go say hi to my friends" he nodded and said "ok I'll let you do that I'll come back in like 20 minutes ok" "ok bye white hair" he looked at me "name Kakashi kid" I nodded and said "My names Sakura nice to meet you Kakashi." he nodded and walked away while looking at some book with that I made my way to where Rin was waiting and went to 'the middle' so it doesn't look strange.

Time skip 'to the middle' (brought to you by Jashin's bible production company owned by Hidan praytatheholylord pronounced 'pray ta tha holly lord )

so there I was.......baroque sauce on my tidies and he was all like sorry my man I'm gay brah but only when there sexy...oh shit wrong story


...fine just pout you need to get the stick out of your ass

Hidan-must bet the size of my d*ck

Kakuzu-so what they got a pebble up there ass

Hidan- hehe wait Hey!! at least it ain't no f*cking drien little peanut

Me-Ladies, ladies I go buy you your tampons' and chocolate no need to get pissy on eachother...

moving on before I die

Sakura pov

So there I was 'sound familiar' just walking around the middle calling Rin's name

5 minutes later

"Sakura is that you?" a familiar voice called out "YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROBLE MISSY WHO JUST LEAVES AND DOES TELL THERE BESTIE WHERE THE F THE WENT" screamed a pissed off Rin "Ahhhhhh!!! please don't eat me plzzzzzzzzz"

5 minutes of explanation to a pissed Rin of were I was for the last month

"Well that explains some things I mean like why the villagers wouldn't talk to you or anything...Wait if they can see you does that mean your just gonna leave me hanging here." que depressing aura "just don't forget about me" I then started laughing "gurl pleaze I ain't gonna hang with those losers when I can hang with my bad ass ghost bud" then question mark appear on top of me head like a bada*s "I actually have something else to tell you Rin" she sighed "go for it" I Smirked "I met you when you were 12" her eyes got wide "Oh Shit don't tell Kakashi I'm the one who stole his porn book" I looked at her with my WTF face and said ".....okey Doky we moving on...anyway noo I meat you on my death day. I remember orange googly eye, squid hair, blondie, and you were a ninja team passing through my village I was the pink haired girl that got executed and your squad was the only one august it" she stared at me wide eye "omg you were that girl who like Obito" I anime fell "out of all that that's what you got" we then started laughing our asses off

"Ok I do have a question though ok so you know squid hair-I mean Kakashi ok so you know how he visits the K.I.A...But what about googly eye I mean his names on the stone but I haven't seen his ghost so like wtf is going on there" she looked at me with the ??? face and said "He died so he should be around here or something but I haven't seen him either so...wait...does...that mean...OBITO'S ALIVE!!!" I just looked at her with you just realized this now and said "dude like you've been here for at least 6 years and your realizing this...now" she gave a sheepish smile "uhhhh uhhh whats that over there *points at a random tree* I need to go now bye bye" she ran away I just sighed until I looked at the tree she pointed at and saw a little speck of orange in the middle of a bush. still in the middle they couldn't see me so I slowly walked (cough sprinted cough) over. There was a dude in a orange swirly mask. He was looking at some next to the K.I.A stone I looked over and saw white spiky hair and was like Ohh Shit. White hair looked around and said "she must've gone somewhere" then he walked away seeing orange swirl was still here and being a shady bitch I decided to be a normal citizen and walk away NOT lets try again I decided I don't care with a side of 0 fucks I give and said lets be a smartass and scare the shit out of tis bitch.

So just like any normal person I walked over to him stood still appeared in the land of the living and screamed as loud as I could "ITZ RAINING TACOS" he jumped 8 feet high literally, glared, disappeared, reappeared with a knife at my throat and whispered in a deep throat "Who are you and how did you sneak up on me like that?" I giggle and whispered "My name is Jeff" he started to cut a thin line on my neck but as soon as it even touched my skin I was in the middle and walk right through him and appeared behind him "orange swirly did ya know me name is Jeff" he spun around and I couldn't see it but I felt it the Death glare "How did you do that" I smirked and said "bye bye mister swirls I have business Jeffy business don't worry I won't tell anyone about how I found a Swirly masked dude selling what I'm guessing is drugs...bye bye now" with that I went to the middle not before placing a tracker on swirly though.

ugh now I have to go find squid hair.........uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

G.H.O.S.T.S (Obito/Tobi x Sakura)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora