Start of a long three weeks

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3rd person pov

Team Minto was starring shocked at what they were seeing. First they see a girl you they thought was dead. Next she runs from them at beyond shinobi speed. Last she frees herself from her bounds and starts riding a unicorn? They were weirded out to say the least today has been a looooooooooooooooooonnnngggggggggggggg day for all of them. They were supper creeped out bye pink hair. Hell they were even debating just walking away. That is until they heard her whisper "Time fore plan 1" at that moment they realized it was either all an act or she was really really realllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stupid. To be fair though she looked about six. Just by the powers she already used you could tell she was a prodigy like Kakashi.

However Minto felt something was off about this girl almost as if she had been to hell and back. He knew for a fact that all the comedy was just an act their was something about her that made her look so sad? lonely? maybe even dead? Her eyes green emeralds looked so out worldly? It was as if she didn't no shouldn't be here it was an odd feeling to say the least. He quickly shook of that feeling when he realized he had been staring to long. Just for a second a flash a tiny amount of time he saw her eyes darken as if he had just found out a top secret. It was unnerving that right after that one second her poster relaxed and her eyes flashed back to being happy and care free.

Then a long silence happened when her eyes met Rin's Sakura stood frozen in place there gaze locked. Her eyes widened how could she not have noticed before. Her eyes wide her mouth agape she looked at Rin as if she had seen a ghost.

Sakura's pov

'It that....No it couldn't be... She looks almost the exact same...Well well If it ain't my buddy Rin and take a look at that she not a ghost? Man this is gonna be a interesting experience. The only one here I can really trust here seems to be Rin and Goggle boy.' My eye narrowed on Goggle Boy '...Wait...why do I trust him? I mean sure he tried to save me in my last life but why should I trust him? I got this strange feeling though. It's as if 'you met him somewhere else?' OMG NEVER DO THAT EVER AGAIN! You scared me anyway where have you been anyway? you just kind of disappeared for a while there. 'who me I was just getting ready for the nest time travel you know same old same old.' What? 'You should be able to move to the next time in about 3 weeks. You see the time stone needs to charge before the next usage that's what I've been doing' 'Wait wait wait hold up so this stone thingy can't take me back FOR 3 WEEKS' 'YEPPP Have fun I got to go bye~ bye~' 'Don't go' then you know what I did I yelled "YOU MOTHERF#CKING CAT YOUR A DEAD MAN CAT THINGY WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I WILL STRANGLE YOUR F#CKING @SS AND SCIN YOU ALIVE." the people team around me had wide eyes before they all jumped into defensive stances. "what's you problem are you mental or something" said the white hair B#tch I sighed "Well F#ck seems like I'm stuck with you B#tches for awhile" There eyes narrowed again white hair "Why should we take you your just a little child." I laughed at the irony of that I'm a 'child' dis b@tch what 12 maybe 13 And I over here seen all the shinobi wars and have the mind of 100+ year old and here he is calling me a child I laughed 'this is gonna be a long 3 weeks.' "Well boys and kawaii girl lets get this party started" Then I let out my most evil laugh MWAHHHHHHHAAHAHAHAHHA

Tip- Blue rock Is going to be the 3 love rival evil laugh MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAH and thatz how you do a evil laugh

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