Meeting Strangers? part 1

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(First off one of my favorite mems IT'Z ART yeah? I know.)

OK I'm positive I. me. the author don't even know were this is going cause I'm like I'll just go with the flow AKA what ever the f my mind think of oh and be thankful you people can't read my thoughts your reactions would all be horrified faces because my minds is literally always in the gutter. My mind is like a picture of the Random ships, how I have no love life, questioning my sanity, and thoughts that will scare you poor souls be thankful yeah?

OK soo lets just skip all the booring shit

Sakura pov

So here I am sitting here a girl with a mind of a hundred year old granny getting told someone is adopting me and boy do I feel like I'm at a senior home. How did this happen well fuck lets see found Kakashi and what did he do? He took me straight to the Hokage they made me a 'citizen of Konoha' even though lived here my whole life hell I was alive while this place was in construction I wasn't here though I heard about it. I mean I know they don't know that but still pretty offensive. Anyway so here I am walking t with my new? parents I guess. Dam Kakashi meddling. I decided I don't care though because my 'adoptive parents' are not shinobi there for I can just leave a shadow clone and leave when ever but hey at least I have a bed, food, and shelter. Although its not as if I need those anyway. I guess I have a last name now though Sakura Haruno. 2 more years till you start your at the academy what to do your already beyond Kage level so what to do in the mean time before things get Interesting?

Well duh pranks and with my ghostly ability's on top of that I'll...OMG why didn't I think of this sooner I'll. NEVER. GET. CAUGHT. it'z like a dream come true. who shall be my main target though? Rin? nah she's a ghost. Kakashi? nope he won't have good reactions. Hokage? nope to much of a risk. Orange lollipop? I mean it's clear he was hiding for Konoha. He looked really shady so I won't feel guilty there. He still doesn't know me or my abilities. His reactions are great and he seems like the type to have a grudge. OK hell yeah main target found lets do this? First we'll need an accomplice. Whoo?

My thinking halted and we came to a stop. It was average an average house not to nice but not to cheap either. Average just the perfect cover. At that moment I realized how late it was sunset and personally I was ready to sleep I was tired. I'll just have to find a partner tomorrow or something. I wonder who maybe I just 'kidnap' a random person it sounds fun. who? First thing in the morning I'll make a shadow clone and leave to go find 'who'.

(author person-Sorry Its literally 11 so I'm tired and I wanna go to bed sound familiar lol I make another chapter tomorrow though I repeat DON'T PANICK and I'm sorry it's short

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