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At the thrown room many people have arrived to see us. To make request, to give us something which is not required and many more. It was very boring all I did was smile and sat with my mother who is doing all the work. I look at the side to see a portrait of us. With Ana and Dad. I hold the necklace rubbing it. I really miss them it's been thousand years, not really, since we saw them.

"Vanadey?" I quickly look at my mom

"Yes?" I ask and look at the man before us. Man with grey hair and his beard almost covering his mouth, he wears a shirt that look like it's about to give up on him, pants to torn and he is barefoot.

"This man have requested to see their village tomorrow, will you do it?" Mom ask and look at me strangely

"Of course, what ever is the problem?" I ask the man looking at his pale dark green eyes

"Our village have suffer enough. Us near the walls of Kuro forest" I was shock to hear this and I look at him suspiciously

"Tell me what is the name of your village?" I ask and I can see the man's mouth curve up

"Twilight" then his eyes change into a red and black eyes, the room change into black once I blink I was back in the thrown room with mom looking at me worried and the man still there with a confused face. I relax and fix my posture

"We will look tomorrow noon" The man nods and leaves the room while the next one ask my mother about the their bakery. The next hour pass with me staring into space remembering the man with dark green eyes.

"Tea?" I look up to see Lukas with a tea in his hands I nod and take the tea "I figured you need something to relax. You seem tense" I smile

"Thanks Lukas" I said and take a sip of the tea. And the next thing I know is a girl barging in running towards us with four armored guards behind her

"You got to help us!" She shouts the four guards held her. She's trying to get out off their grip "please help us!" She shouted once again her deep blue eyes meet my charcoal black

"Let her speak!" I shouted and everyone looked at me in surprise I clear my voice "let her speak" I said and glare at the four guards who quickly unleashed her. The girl who have a very long hair that reach her knees, wears a white skirt that reach her knees, and a blue corset that match her eyes and wears a one high shoes that looks like worn down. She bows

"Thank you, ma'lady" she said with gratitude and look up at me "but I bring bad news" she started but she stop and sigh like she's building her courage to speak "the gates are open" she said and look at my mom " the gate to the other world are open and two normy have entered. They hold great danger as they destroy our village" I look at mom who was surprised by this and scared at the sometime.

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