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I slowly walk towards my chamber thinking what could possibly happened in the near future. Will Vanya be the queen? Since she is the eldest but she doesn't know anything about this world even if Austin showed her a vision of Moonray. Will even Vanya want to be queen? Heck will I'll be ready to be queen? I sigh when I caught a glimpse of the garden and saw Austin with Vanya and they look like they're talking and Ana is laughing while Austin simply smile which I never seen before. I felt a small ache in my chest I sigh and continue to walk.

Austin is one of the best person you can be with. He will make you laugh when you're down and he is responsible for everything and of course his duty as a guard in the mansion. And I have this feeling towards him probably one or two years ago. It's hard to have this feelings since I'm a royal and he is not just like any other country a law is a law and law should be followed.

Dear heart,
Please let
These feelings

The funeral for mom ended a few minutes ago. I stare at the river where mom was on a boat minutes ago and the river will guide her to the next life.

My eyes refuse
To watch you leave,
So tears will blur
The memory

"Vanadey" I half way turn to see who it is only to find Lukas with Finley

"Yes?" I ask lifeless

"A letter was received and it's for you" Finley said nervously and hand me a small envelope with a A mark with a eagle sitting in the middle of the A

"Alistair" I mumbled as I open the envelope only to find Vanaya's writing

Dear Princess,

I have got your sister here, Vanya, if you want her alive be here at tomorrow morning. You know where to find me.

P:S I have your father as well

Alistair E.

I crumple the paper and walk inside Lukas and Finley behind me "what did it say?" Lukas ask worried

"Alistair got Vanya and dad" I simply said and prepare my self for the journey.

I armored my self and prepare my horse "Vanadey won't you think for a second? Your leaving on your own for goodness sake!" Finley hold my arm and force me to look at him "think for a second, don't let your anger control you. Not in this very moment" I can see his worried about me I sigh

"I" I sigh "I just want this to end. Mom is gone, there is no ruler to rule Moonray, Vanya and dad is back, then now they are gone. I just don't know what to do" I break down and start to cry Finley hug me and I hug him back. He comfort me like he always did when I cried when we were little. Him and Austin is a perfect best friend I have yet I have fallen for one of them.

"Vanadey there is a way to end this" I look at Lukas who stand there "the three time glass may possess the power of time but so did the shadow" I break the hug but still hold Finley's hands "the shadow can control time. The wolf have used it to fight the fox. He always used it for making himself young as the fox grows old. The fox died in old age that's when the wolf stop using time and follow his friend, enemy to the next life" Lukas explained and I'm shock as well as Finley and look at me

"I thought you have fire element?!" He asked confused and shock I shyly smile

"Well, I have the shadow element so I can copy an element by there shadows, transform into animal, make the enemies hurt with out touching them and many more" I explained my shadow power and he just listen still shock

"You have to destroy the time glass to return the present but the pass will stay in the pass" I was in full hope that mom will return when hearing the present will return but when the last part was said I look down

"Hey, let's focus on today. Let's go get Vanya and your father" Finley said while again making me look at him in the eye with his smile making my heart skip a beat... Wait what?????

After losing
All I've lost,
The best part is
You're still here

Finley, I know I have fallen for Austin and now I let him go. I just might have fallen for the wrong guy after all.

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