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The next morning I wake up early just before light and read books from the library to find out the village twilight. I know that village was a thousand years old and since the great betrayal the village is now destroy. No one is there or maybe they do now? I sigh as I lay back on a chair with a  parchment paper very where with the records of news since the great betrayal.

"You seems stress?" I look up to the Rina, the girl who barge in. I giggle and signal her to come in "your highness" she added quickly as she bows I shake my head

"No need for that Rina" I said and look at the parchment everywhere "mind helping?" I ask with a shy smile

"Of course, your highness" I shake my head

"Call me Vanadey" I said as she look at me and smiles

"Vanadey" she said and goes through the parchment papers

We spend hours on the library we have read all the news on the parchment paper, books, heck even the writing on the wall. I sigh heavily while going through my hair messing it.

"What exactly are we looking for princ-" I look at her and she stop and smile embarrassed "I mean Vanadey, what are we looking for Vanadey"

"A news or anything that said about the village Twilight" I said as I look at the ceiling

"But that village was burn years ago ever since the great betrayal" Rina sit on the table "why caught your interest?" She ask look at me with curiosity

"A man visited yesterday saying that his village is suffering. That village named Twilight" I tell her what happened before she barge in yesterday and she nods in understanding

"Maybe that they are rebuilding it? A new twilight maybe?" She ask unsure but true it was the same though when I first heard the name. Then we heard a knock we both look at the door to see Lukas

"Ma'lady-" he stop for a second to look at the mess that surrounded us he clear his throat and continue to speak "the queen requested your presences along with Rina at the dinner table" I nod and stand up. We all walk the only sound we hear is our shoes clicking.

"Can I ask a random question?"I ask Rina who jump by my sudden question she nods "what hybrid are you?" I ask again and look at her she then shows her round ears that have black circular spot, thin tale with the same pattern and her eyes were yellow ish with slits

"Cheetah" I said with a nod

We arrive at where my mom is to see her eating lunch. The dinning room was massive with high ceiling with a fancy chandelier hanging, a long wooden table with matching chairs.

"You requested us?" I ask with a slight bow who Rina copied

"Ah yes, take a seat" mom said while nodding and a maid comes in who is showing a brown small ears and a big brown tail. I glare at the maid who jump in surprise then both her ears and tail disappear

"Why did you do that?" Rina ask while we both take a seat

"We don't show our part hybrid only if necessary" I said and look at what the maid as bring. A hour glass with a very fancy carvings with silver sand inside that shines everytime the light hits it

"A time glass?" I ask with a eyebrow raise

"It may look like one but it's a time glass" I almost laugh but contain the laughter

"A time glass has the power to turn back or see a day or a week but if you have the three time glass and turn it at the same time it can bring back the pass or bring the future" mom said with a booming voice that filled the whole room. I gulp and nod

"You think someone turn it?" I ask while Rina look at me

"The twilight village" Rina said mom nod


Time GlassDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora