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Me take the dagger off from my stomach while Vanya walks off towards the others. I hiss when I touch the deep wound
"the three time glass may possess the power of time but so did the shadow" I remember what Lukas said the shadow have the some ability of the time. I put my hands on the wound hissing in pain. I focus but can't, I look around very thing is on fire, Rina is injured, both Finley and Austin is fighting off Vanya who is the upper hand since she is using fire. I try again to focus on the wound hoping Lukas is right. Then a green glow was seen from my hand and I felt no pain I uncover the wound to see it's heal like it wasn't there before even the clothing was fix. I stand up and run between Vanya and the two boys and make a shield dome to protect us.

"Why Vanya attacking us?" Austin ask patting as well as Finley I walk towards Rina and heal her and like before it was like it never happened

"She's under control of Alistair. We need to destroy two time glass" I said while showing them the time glass from the mansion. I look at Rina who try to stand up I help her

"I thought we need to find three?" Finley ask and Austin just stare at us who have no idea what's going on

"No. Alistair only have two. He didn't have the third time glass that's why the history didn't repeat only a few events" I explained and then a bang was heard to see Vanya trying to break the dome and Alistair knocking

"Why you there? Talking about me?" He creepily smiled

"Like the twilight village, and the Queen's death" Austin said quite unsure but he managed to catch up on what's going on. I nod

"We need to destroy this time glass and Alistair. Somehow he is the second time glass" I said and look at Rina "can you find dad for me?" I ask knowing she can't fight she nods

"Sorry I can't help much" she said I pat her shoulder and smile

"You have done enough and I know you want to spent your time with Marcus" I said with a wink she just blush

"And you can even make a joke like that in this situation" Austin said sarcastically I roll my eyes

"Yeah yeah sure" I said and face Vanya who look straight at me "your just worried about Vanya to much. You can't even worry about me" I said mumbling the last part but Finley heard me who put a hand on my shoulder

"For Moomray" he said

"For Vanya" I said and open the dome

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