Chapter 2

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Annabeth's POV

As soon as we got through the wall, I heard many people talking. I saw a huge train. Everyone was wearing cloaks. Weird. I quickly looked for Percy. I spotted him by the entrance. I pushed my trolly over to him and he spotted me. As he saw me he said, "I think we are supposed to put our pushy-things in the back of the train. I'll do it for ya! You just go meet everyone and I'll catch up to you, ok?" I laughed. "Stop rushing and yes, you can put my trolly at the back of the train!" He takes my trolly and runs off to the back of the train as I get on.

I find 'the gang' near the back of the train. "Hey guys! 'Sup?" I say sitting next to Piper. "Hey." they all say in a unison. "I'm gonna miss camp." I tell them. "It's just not like waking up with the same people, ya know? We are gonna wake up knowing we're more powerful than 'wizards'." Everyone agrees with me. Just then, Percy walks in. "Hey Wise Girl." He slides next to me and pecks me on the lips. And of course, Leo yells. "NO PDA!" I take the time to yell back. "NO LEO!" That shuts him up..... for now.

It takes a couple minutes till we get moving. After we start moving, I decide to start looking around for Luna, a daughter of Iris. "Hey Perce,"I ask, "I'm going to start looking for Luna. Do you want to come?" He replies,"Sure." Percy and I slide around everyone to get out. When we finally do get out, we start towards the back. I spot Luna with a whole group of wizards. I can't help but to listen in. "I bet Hermione is the only one happy about our extra year to make up for the war. Did you hear about the weird American exchange students?" A red-haired boy says. "That's offensive" Luna says. "The exchange students aren't weird." "For a second there I thought you were sticking up for me." A girl with bushy hair says who I think is Hermy? Percy notices Luna and walks up to their seats. "Hey, rainbow dash! Long time no see!" Percy calls to Luna. "Percy! Annabeth!" Luna shouts. "What are you doing here!" "We're the 'American exchange students." I tell her. All of the other kids look dumbfounded as they watched. One with a lighting-shaped-scar was gawking at me. (FYI: there is no Romione or Hinny yet....:))Ew. "So, Luna, do you want to come{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252
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} sit with us?" I ask her. "Sure! Nobody's ever asked me to sit with them!" she replied. With that, we walked out and went back to the gang.

So so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated in forever! And I know this was short but I hope you liked it!😋

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