Getting Ready

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When Darla woke up, she screamed when she saw Mary on her bed. Then, Mary blew a kazoo.
"Happy birthday!" she yelled.
"How did you know?" Darla asked.
"You were born on this day." Mary said.
"Oh.." Darla said.
"Didn't those Hollywood people tell you?" Mary asked. Darla shook her head.
"Well, they probably didn't know." Mary said.
"So, since we'll have a party, who should we invite?" Darla asked. "I don't know. Your friends?" Mary said.
Then, Laika came in the room.
"I told Bubbles about the birthday, and then she told everyone else. They're coming soon! Also, i decorated everything." Laika said.
"What?!" Darla said.
Then, Mary and Laika walked out of the room.
"Ah! I gotta get ready!" Darla said, and hopped out of bed. She got herself ready for everything else, fixed her hair, then looked in her closet for a birthday outfit.
Then, she found one.

She put the outfit on, and then walked into the living room

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She put the outfit on, and then walked into the living room.
"It's gonna be hard to walk in those heels." Laika said.
"Please, i wore cowgirl boots that had heels when i was 3 years old in Hollywood. I'll have no problem walking in these. Besides, they're cute!" Darla said.
Meanwhile, in school, in Lola's kindergarten class, Lola was bouncing on the rug excitedly.
"It's a good thing i don't have a pageant this week! I get to go to my friend's, also known as a former Hollywood star's house, for her birthday!" Lola said with big sparkling eyes.
"You lie," one of Lola's classmates said, as he was pointing to her.
"No, I'm NOT! I've been on TV before, and everyone, including you, in this school, believes that, because i really HAVE been on TV! I'm a future America's Sweetheart! I'm Lola Loud! And today is right now's America's Sweetheart's fifth birthday!" Lola said.
"Really? Who, then? Give me all your proof." her classmate said.
"Have you heard of Darla Dimple?" Lola asked.
"Yes, but-" her classmate said.
"Today she is five! And I'm friends with her! She lives in our town! Not in Hollywood anymore! I get to go to her birthday, and you don't! Ha, ha, ha, ha ha!" Lola laughed at her classmate, pointing at him. Then, the bell for morning recess rang, and Lola ran out of the classroom and outside, with her eyes closed and she was smiling smugly, leaving her classmate with his jaw dropped.

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