Party Gone Wild!

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The kids were still playing lots of fun games, and Darla kept winning the games. However, Grace kept falling on the floor, pretending to faint everytime she lost.
Mary was still watching the news, and it was still the afternoon. All of the lamps in each room of the house were on.
"Now it's time for the runaways!" The man said. He readed all of the children that ran off. Then, he got to two of the last one.
"Our last one is.. Darla Dimple." The man said, with a picture of Darla appearing on the screen, which caused Mary to gasp with wide eyes and cover her mouth.
"Last seen November 23 2012 in Hollywood, California USA in the famous theater. What a coincidence! Wasn't there a girl in December 5th 2008 that shared the same last name with this girl? If you were there for that news report, you'll know what I'm talking about! Maybe they're sisters! Rest in peace, Mary Dimple! Ha ha ha ha ha." The man said, which caused Mary to jump back in her couch seat.
"Everyone thinks I'm dead? I'm not dead! Darla's missing? She's right here!" Mary said, and then switched the TV to a pageant show. This week, it's bigger kids in the pageant, starring 8 year olds to 12 year olds.
"Ok, what are we playing? Hahaha.." Mary said nervously, running into Darla's room.
"I demand a rematch of banana tag! Darla kept tagging me! And everytime Darla tagged me, no one would go after her! And she only tags me!" Grace said.
"Darlene! Little sis! Do not keep targeting Grace." Mary said with an awkward smile.
"Fine, I'll go tag Paige. I saw her going out of bounds anyway.. WAY out of bounds." Darla said.
"You look five!" Darla laughed.
"Hm." Mary said.
Then, they all started another round of banana tag.
However, Darla searched for Paige everywhere. But she couldn't find her. Then, the round ended, and they kept playing games. Darla still wondered where Paige was, though.
Eventually it was 7:43 PM. Night time. It was time for the cake and happy birthday song.
They all sang happy birthday, and ate some cake. It was heart shaped and pink.
After eating the cake, it was time for presents. Darla opened the presents, they were pink wrapped and pink tied with ribbons and she got a bunch of cute pink dresses that were in lots of shades of the color pink. She also got some cute pink hair bows and hair ribbons and cute shoes that were also in lots of shades of pink, and lots of cute white socks. She piled the dresses, shoes, socks, ribbons, and bows on eachother and climbed inside of the pile.
After she got in it, there was loud banging on the door, which caused everyone to jump.
Mary looked out the window, and saw 6 people standing outside. There was a woman with a brunette low ponytail, looking worried. Another was a woman with blonde hair tied up in a bun, and she looked really angry, with a red face. There was a husband and wife, the wife was blonde and the husband was brunette. He looked in his 50s and the wife looked in her 40s. The wife looked shocked and the husband looked really worried.
Mary also saw an old short man holding a cigar and a skinny man with a red hat on.
Mary slowly opened the door, hanging from it since it was high up and she was stuck in a 5 year old body. She then jumped down from it and looked shocked once she saw the short man.
The skinny man whispered something to the short man.
"No," the short man whispered to the skinny man.
"Wait a second.. LB Mammoth? LB MA-" Mary tried yelling, but her mouth was covered by Flanigan.
"You will get us crowded!!!!" the skinny man said to Mary.
Everyone in the party looked shocked, seeing LB.
Suddenly the blonde angry woman saw Grace and ran over to her, picked her up, and started petting her aggressively.
"Thank goodness! I thought we were gonna lose you forever! Then you wouldn't win next week's pageant!" the woman said.
"Sharon, can you help me find Paige?" the brunette woman asked the blonde one.
"Fine, Emily. Let's find her." Sharon said. They started looking around, and suddenly Paige ran out of Mary's room, giggling.
"Mommymommymommy! You finded me! It is a fun fun party!" Paige said. Mary's eyes got wide at how Paige was in her room, but she was glad that Paige was only 2 and a half years old. Emily then picked up Paige.
Sharon and Emily then walked out of the house, Sharon holding Grace's hand and Emily carrying Paige.
"Lola Loud! Come back home! Don't sneak out to a party!" the wife said. Lola then groaned and went to her mom.
"Come on, Rita, Lola, you are grounded until next week." the husband said.
"Yeah, Lynn," Rita said.
Rita and Lynn Sr. Then walked out of the house with Lola.
The others then waved goodbye to Mary, and all went to their homes.
"Flanigan let her talk." LB said.
Flanigan then uncovered Mary's mouth.
"There was rumors that there was a Darla Dimple in this house. Is she here?" LB asked.
Mary suddenly got nervous and stared at the pile of clothes on the floor.
"U-uh, n-n-no, no! Not at all! I'm- I'm an only child.. See you! Bye LB! Big fan!" Mary said, and slammed the door. Flanigan and LB got suspicious, but just scoffed and walked away from the house.
After that, Darla zoomed into her room with the new clothes and put them in the closet. After that, she soon came out with her pajamas on.
"Very long day.." Mary said. She then went into her room, and then came back out with pajamas on.
"Let's go to bed.." Mary said.
"Mary, that was a crazy birthday. But also nice! But I'm tired now.." Darla said.
"Put me in bed."
Mary tried picking Darla up to put her in her own bed, but since she was trapped in a 5 year old body, she was the same size as Darla, but it was also still hard to get her in the bed, since Darla was chubbier than her.
"Fine, I'll go by myself! You are not strong enough.." Darla said, and jumped in bed. Then, she fell asleep.
Mary then went in her room and fell asleep. Laika went in Darla's room and slept beside her bed. Darla is five now.

The end.

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