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"Grace! Grace! Today Darla's birthay! When school over, we escape and go to Darla's birthay party!" Paige said to Grace in her preschool class.
"My mommy says I'm not allowed to go wif you to the party. She says i have a pageant next week. She says i have to practice early if i wanna win on TV." Grace said.
"No fair! We sneak out. And won't tell my mommy and neither you." Paige said. Then, the recess bell rung, and she went outside with Grace, along with Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup going outside too.
At recess, Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup were talking about Darla's birthday.
"I can't wait until school is over. Darla is having a birthday party!" Blossom said.
"I hope there's awesome games." Buttercup said.
"She was on TV! ever since she was a baby!"
"Since she was in diapers? Wow." Buttercup said.
Meanwhile, at the elementary school, Brianna was playing with her fellow first graders, then, she suddenly was thinking about the party. So she decided to tell them.
"I get to go to a former Hollywood star's party." Brianna said.
"Liar!" one of her classmates said.
"Hey, it's not my problem you're jealous. Come back when you have proof I'm lying." Brianna said, and walked off.
Meanwhile, in the 2nd grade class, Misfortune was busy endlessly pouring glitter all over her paper. Then, she picked up some glitter and started eating it.
"Ew." one of her classmates said.
"I can't wait to go to the party.." Misfortune said to herself.
"What party?" her classmate asked her, but Misfortune didn't respond.
Meanwhile, in the third grade class, Lotta and Tiny were sitting on the floor, doing their work.
"I'm going to my friend's birthday party this afternoon! It'll be so fun!" Lotta said.
"That's cool, she's lucky she doesn't have school. Hey, that's nice, i rhymed." Tiny said, smiling.
Meanwhile, at the middleschool, in the eigth grade, Natsuki was staring at the clock, waiting for it to turn to hallway time.
Then, it rung, and everyone including her walked in the hallway.
"Hi, Pinky." one of her classmates said, walking past her.
"Don't call me pinky." Natsuki said, pointing at the classmate, but the classmate just kept walking.
Then, remembering what else was also pink, she thought about Darla's party. That was her friend, and she wanted to go without her dad coming over there and getting mad at her. Then, she suddenly smiled, as she thought of a plan. All she had to do was wait for school to end.

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