Chapter Three

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The preparation for the marriage has been going smoothly. Everyone's attention was focused on me. Koda and I got really close and he protected me from the other women who clearly disliked me.

"Chief's bride, you are being summoned by chief Utah to his quarters." A servant said before she bowed and left.

When I was done, I went to Utah's chambers upstairs. He was standing with a drink in his hand as he watched his people. I walked up to him as the servants bowed before they left the room and locked the door behind them.

"We will be getting married tomorrow. Is there anything you'd like love before you are mine in body and soul?" He asked before he tapped his side for me to come closer.

I walked to his side as I thought of what I truly wanted. Something that I knew it was impossible for him to refuse.

"Will you give me anything I want at all?" I asked him before he looked deep into my eyes and held a lock of my hair.

"Anything." He whispered as he bent down a little and brought his face closer to mine.

"Let Koda and his unborn child leave this village together unharmed. Give him back his freedom and send him to my village safe." I said before he paused trying to kiss me and then looked at me.

"You know he is carrying my son."

"Yes but if it's males that you desire, I'll give birth to as much as you want. I am rare and I will birth superior children that is why I demand for his freedom safe and sound." I said before he drank his wine a bit and then touched my face.

"If that is all you desire then so be it." He said before he kissed my forehead and walked away.

"Yashka! Yashka!" Koda yelled as he opened the door of my room. "Is it true?" He asked me before I looked into his eyes.

"Yes. Your free, that's the much I owe you for being my friend and protecting me in this place." I said before he cleaned the tears in his eyes and then hugged me.

"I promise to visit every chance I'm given. Thank you for sending me away safely." He said before I patted his chest.

"Just give my father, the chief or a man call Tariq this letter and they'll receive you with open arms." I instructed him before he hugged me and collected it from my hands.

Hours later, I watched as Koda left the village with a sad smile of his face because he felt guilty for leaving me behind but I was glad he was getting the freedom he desired.

I sighed as I supported my head on my arms because tomorrow, I was going to be married to Utah. Or at least that's what everyone believes.

"You look beautiful like the bride you are meant to be." One of servants said after helping me into my wedding veil.

They had tried to make me perfect but since I had a red tribal mark under my eyes that my village all inherit, I was close to perfection. They had me decorated in gold and blessed me with spices before I was taken to the people and made to sit beside Utah.

They had tied my veil to his wrist as a sign of responsibility before they cut my finger a little and his and dropped our blood in the same cup.

"Today under the goddess of Aphrodites, we join two souls together and make them one. Together seems wish them hope, love, peace and offsprings that are as wonderful as our gods and goddesses." The priest of the village said before he poured the water into a bowl.

"Chief and wife." The priest said before Utah stood and then he stretched his hand and helped me up.

We went to where the bowl was and then Utah dipped a finger inside and then brought out a kind of chain.

He placed it on my neck before the whole people bowed and then Utah shouted in joy before everyone stood and started celebrating.

We were made to sit where everyone would notice us with a wild feast going on. The men drank and women danced, it was the wildest party I have ever witnessed in my life.

"You cannot drink that, you are still too young." Utah said as he collected the cup of strong wine away from me before he drank it on my behalf.

"May I be excused?" I asked politely before a drunk Utah kissed me in the public as the people cheered more and then he nodded.

I was embarrassed from his actions and wasted no effort to leave the attention of the crowd. I went to Utah's room but I couldn't undress because their tradition made that for the groom.

I took off the heavy veil as I started to searched the room till I found a knife and hid it in my cloak. I jumped on the bed before I covered myself with a really large blanket.

I was finally going to do it. I was finally going to give rest to my dead mate by killing the man who unjustly murdered him before I take my own life away.

I heard the door opened making me to close my eyes before it closed gently. I bit my lips as my heart started to beat very fast.

When he finally touched the blanket, I grabbed the knife quickly and tried to stab him but then he was faster and then he gripped my own hand. I looked up at him as I struggled before I gasped at the sight.

"Who are you?" I asked as we both fought for the knife.

"I'm Vatu. I'm my father's first son and now the chief of this village. That makes me your new husband." He said before he removed the knife from my hand.

"It's not possible, he was alright just a few minutes ago."

"Until I challenged him to the death and overthrew him. Everything that's his is mine except his concubines and children. I have ordered to send them with their mothers except for you because you are my prize. You are the only reason I challenged my father." He said before he pushed me down to the bed.

I started to struggle with him but he pinned both my hands above my head with just one hand and then used his other to slowly undress me. I kicked him in the stomach before I threw him to the floor and then jumped out of the bed.

I was running to the door when he gripped my leg and I fell hard on the floor. I cursed as I could slowly smell my heat arriving and it was just going to make him violent. I had to escape from here, I had to run away from here because I wasn't safe.

"Somebody help me!" I shouted as Vatu climbed on top of me making us to continue our battle of struggle.

"Don't do this, it isn't right!" I begged as I tried to control the tears falling but then he laughed at me.

"You've already been chaste enough. I want to mark you with myself inside and out." He whispered to my ears before he tried to kiss me.

I avoided his face a him to pull my hair in anger. I grunted in pain before I grabbed his hand and bit it really hard making him to release me before I took a heavy stick and hit him hard in the face.

I stood up and then I walked weakly to the door because my heat was getting intense as I panted and then I opened the door. I stared at what was at the other side as I panted really hard.

The hallway of the building was instead a wavy rainbow that was showing different images. It stopped when it showed me a picture of my mate Kovo but he was different. I stretched my hand and touched it before I pulled back quickly but it was still calling out to me.

"Enter." It whispered and then I slowly walked into it, ignoring the voice of Vatu telling me not to enter.

I entered it and then the next thing, it was darkness. It was a cold, quiet and comforting darkness that had me feeling sleepy.

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