Chapter Twenty Seven

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I unconsciously placed my hand on my baby bump with a cracker in my mouth as I read some baby magazines. I was already in the beginning of my second trimester and my stomach was getting bigger. I guess it must be because I'm carrying three bubbles inside me.

I checked the time as I stared at my phone. Nikolai would be calling anytime soon. Ever since he came here and I heard his conversation with Vatu, I couldn't help but cry in relief that Nikolai still loved me. I wanted to go home to him but Vatu and Noel had said that I should give him the silent treatment so that Nikolai would learn from his mistakes. It was hard but if it would make sure I had a lock on Nikolai then I wouldn't mind trying. That was why I had Abel to pinch me if I ever tried to break our agreement.

Bless that boy. His really shy and his in love with Vatu unfortunately Vatu sees him as his child since he raised him since he was four. His younger than me and apparently a descendant of Vatu but his a rare flower like me and wants to mate with Vatu even if his not his true mate. I hope it works out for him.

My phone rang and I picked it up quickly and answered. I almost said something when Vatu collected the phone from me.

"No, it's his caretaker." He paused and was humming in response.

"Yes, he'll be there tomorrow. Goodbye." Vladus said and handed me the phone as I gave an irritated expression.

"I wanted to hear from him. He called me not you." I whined as I threw a pillow at him.

"I'm sorry but I guess it's time to end his punishment. I really had fun hording your attention but I have someone else who needs it more." Vatu explained and I already understood what he meant.

"Well goodnight." He said and then left as I wrapped the blanket around me and touched the empty space close to me.

I can finally get to have someone by my side because sleeping alone is really sad.

I entered inside a fast food and saw Nikolai at the corner, looking out the window. He was as handsome as I remembered but he seemed to have lost a little weight and his eyes looked exhausted. His hair wasn't exactly as neat as I remembered it to be when he crossed out the house but it suited him like how his casual wear did.

"Nikolai." I whispered as I stretched my hand to his cheeks and brushed it softly before touching it.

Nikolai's blue eyes met mine and he gave me a soft smile as he held my hand and made me sit beside him. He placed his hands on my hip and back as he hugged me before his hands trailed to our bubbles bump. He looked at me as if asking for permission and I nodded in response as he touched my bump and I couldn't help but cry.

"Baby what's wrong? Why are you crying...d-did I hurt you?" Nikolai sounded so afraid that I couldn't but laugh as I cleaned my tears away.

"It is just that I missed this. I missed your warmth and those hands that touched our baby, I missed seeing you and touching you. That's why I'm so happy." I said and Nikolai sighed in relief as he kissed my head.

I didn't want a kiss in the head but I didn't complain. We remained silent as we embraced each other while Nikolai ordered something for us to eat.

"So have you discovered their gender?" Nikolai asked and I shook my head.

"I want to find out with you by my side. If your not there then I'll just wait till conception."

"If I'm correct this is the thirteenth week. Have you been taking your pills?"


"What about exercise?"


"What about massages, rest and food?"

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