Chapter 30

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Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Lauren Jauregui’s POV

I stayed all day at Camila’s house with the sisters until Marielle got a call and told them they should leave. I was confused as to why she was kicking us out. I refused to leave but Marielle told me that Camila just needed to be alone. I didn’t have the full details, all I knew was that she had killed someone and her sister was missing. I asked her about Sofi and she told me that Sinuhe had called her mother and told Sinuhe that she found her in the tree house, crying softly and shivering. She wasn’t cold or anything, she was just scared. That thought alone made me remember of the time I saw my little sister motionless on the ground, I was afraid she wasn’t awake. That she’ll never wake.

I feel stupid and selfish because I was distancing myself from her to spare my own feelings when I should have pressed on the subject as to why she called my crying that day. I should have approached her, I should have told her I could help. I could have done something, anything but she didn’t open herself up to me. I know that sometimes, somethings are just too personal but when it’s your life in danger, why would you keep that to yourself? Why wouldn’t she tell me? Or her best friends?

I have been rummaging in my brain for the right answer but I come up blank. I eventually told my closest friends about my parents kidnapping. It took me a while but my life wasn’t endangered. I didn’t have a deadline, I just needed time. And I gave her time just how I needed it at that time. But even then, she didn’t tell me. Maybe I should have asked her about it but I didn’t want her to get pissed off at me for prying. Maybe I should have talked to her mother at the Fillmore. I should’ve done something.

I was itching for my phone, wanting to call her, to text her but Sinuhe strictly told me that she needed space and she’d call when she can. So, instead of sitting in my bed all day staring at my phone waiting for her to call, I went to the coffee shop I always go to and drank a cup of black coffee. I brought a book along with me, Tuesday’s With Morrie by Mitch Albom. It’s an interesting book, but not interesting enough for me to stop checking my phone every five seconds. After an hour of nervously bouncing my leg up and down, my fingers tapping on the mahogany table, creating a cadence, I left and got back into my car.

I’ve been driving around aimlessly, no idea where I was headed. I wasn’t lost because I didn’t have a map, I just didn’t have a destination. I kept driving mindlessly, I pulled over once I reached the one place that has been in my mind all day. I didn’t realize I was driving towards Camila’s house. I absentmindedly drove myself here. A familiar black car was parked in the drive way along with Sinuhe and Alejandro’s car. I pondered whether or not I should get out of the car, my thumb drumming on the steering wheel. I kept my gaze on the black car, trying to figure out whose car it could be.

My phone buzzed and I looked down to see Camila’s name on it. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

Are you coming inside? Or are you just going to wait outside like a creepy stalker? (;

I looked at the secluded house, wondering if she was watching me right now. She had neighbors but they were farther down the street. I could make out her silhouette in the window and I blushed furiously, typing a quick message.

Lol, funny, funny. Am I allowed inside, or will I get kicked out by momma Cabello?

Come on in, I’m dying to see you pleeeeeaseeeee.

I rather you not use that adjective.

Too soon?

Yeah, too soon Camila. I’m on my way.

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