Chapter 8

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He came around slowly, ears ringing as two strong hands drug him across the floor. He didn't know what was going on, or really, how long he'd been out, but he did remember what had been occurring at the time he decided to take an impromptu nap. Needless to say, these were Morto's men, or worse, the king himself, and he was sure he was being taken prisoner for the king to hold as leverage against the resistance. Which I wanted no part of, he thought bitterly. Maybe he could reason his way out. It was a risky move. All logic told him this would be a big mistake, but at this moment, his brain seemed to be switched off or working in slow motion.

This didn't stop him from thrashing around like a fish on land, however. He flailed desperately, hoping by some miracle they might realize they had the wrong boy and let him go. "No..." he choked, struggling to see through his broken frames. "No...please." He sounded like a blubbering fool, but at that moment he really didn't care. "L-Leah!" he cried helplessly. "Leah! H-help!"

"Shut up!" came a hiss from somewhere above his head.

The unknown voice only made him struggle more. He writhed and blindly lashed out. Satisfaction swelled in his chest as his fist made contact. This was followed promptly by a hiss of "Griffons!" and the vice-grip instantly lessened. Greeny felt his back hit the floor, sending sparks of pain shooting up his spine. But, even before he could groan or protest, the tight grasp returned.

"Hold still, you blundering idiot!" the first voice snapped. "We're saving your life, you ungrateful wretch!"

Saving him? From the way he was being carried, he might have preferred to be kidnapped by Morto's goons! Whoever these people were, they certainly were not the most careful of human beings. He wanted to complain, struggle, or even fight back, but he found his body unresponsive to his commands.

"We're never going to make it like this," came a third voice, this one a little further away. "Here. Give him to me. I'll carry him."

Greeny felt himself moving from his current positioning and the next thing he knew, he was being carried. The world was slipping in and out of focus. He saw a swirl of color and the outlines of two figures to his left. One boy, one girl, if he had to guess. And by the uncomfortable way he was being held, he supposed the one carrying him was male as well.

So there were only three of them. Noted.

He blinked, struggling to stay awake. He could see the darkness creeping into the corners of his vision. Already his head was swimming and all he wanted was to close his eyes and take a short nap. Besides, he encouraged himself groggily. Leah will wake me if I oversleep. He felt his head lolling and he rested it against the figure's chest, too tired to care.

"Oh no, you don't," the voice snapped, his voice low and lacking emotion. The teen felt a gentle shake that hardly aroused him but managed to keep him from passing out. "You have to stay awake. It's too dangerous for you to sleep now."

Greeny's groggy mind informed him that this was a true statement. The rest of him argued against it profusely. "Where...where am I?" he managed to cough out. "Who...who..." He struggled to form words, his mouth dry. The pain swam through his brain and he closed his eyes, groaning weakly.

"No time!" came a sharp and higher voice from his left. Higher, but definitely masculine. The boy he'd seen out of the side of his vision he guessed. "Run now, questions later!" Even as he spoke, the faint pops of gunshots peeled through the heavens. Greeny attempted to open his eyes and gather his bearings. The migraine increased exponentially, but he fought past it and forced his eyes open. He found himself staring up at a darkened sky.

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