Thundercats Are Go!

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Min Yoongi

Something was off.

You just didn't know what though.

 You had been more uncomfortable than usual the past of couple of days. Your belly felt heavier and lower than normal, and your breathing was a little bit easier. You knew that was something of significance, but you just couldn't put your finger on it. You were sitting on the couch in the green room of one the television stations. You were absentmindedly rubbing your tightened belly as you watch the boys on a talk show. 

Seokjin and Taehyung's wife sat next to you quietly talking. You suck in a deep breath when a particularly strong pain runs from your belly to your back. They turn to you as you press on your belly a bit. You push yourself up onto your feet and begin to pace. "Y/N-ssi, are you alright?" 

You turn to see two worried faces. It was Seokjin's wife that had spoken to you. "Uh, I don't know. My belly feels tight and I just had a strong pain run through my back and belly. I've been feeling off these last couple of days." You continue to pace around the room.

"Uh, that sounds like when I went into labor. Does your belly feel lower than normal?" You nod in assent, pausing your walking. "How about your breathing? Does it feel a little bit easier?" You nod again. All of those things were currently happening to you. 

"Does that mean that I'm---ughhhh!" You yelled out as a strong, stronger than before pain went from your belly to your groin. You felt slight pressure, then a pop and gush of fluid down your leg. You look down and see your leggings were wet and there was a puddle on the floor. The girls gasped and stood up and ran to you. "Holy shit, eonnie. My water just broke. And Yoongi's on TV right now."

Taehyung's wife started rubbing your back as you began to freak out. You wanted your husband here with you and you wanted to go home. Seokjin's wife ran to one of their manager's and yelled for them to go get Yoongi. They tried to say they couldn't because he was in the middle of a broadcast, but you weren't having it. 

You shrugged Taehyung's wife off of you and you waddled over to the manager. "Now you listen to me asswipe. I am getting ready to push a human being out of my vagina. Go get my husband, or I will." He just stood frozen, looking at you. You scoff and push off of him. You begin to make your way towards the studio, briefly pausing to go through a contraction. The station staff moved out of the way, hearing about your outburst with the manager. 

With one particular contraction, it brought you to your knees in pain. You cry out as your belly tightens. There happens to be a television in the hallway and you can see your husband's face. He pauses as if he could hear your cry. You test your theory by yelling his name as loud as you could. You see him widen his eyes and pop up. You yell his name again as the wives run up behind you. 

You see Yoongi run off set and hear the others and the hosts yell his name. Seconds later, you sigh in relief as you see Yoongi run up to you. He kneels in front of you. "Baby...what's wrong? Why are you kneeling?"

"The baby...The baby's coming, Yoonie." You grab his hands and squeeze them. His eyes widen in surprise then harden in determination.

"Alright, baby girl. This is it. Let's get home and I'll call the midwife on the way." He helps you stand up and make your way to the car. 

"I'm sorry about the show, Yoonie." You say, squeezing his hand through another contraction.

"Hush. Namjoon will explain what is going on. You and our little mermaid are the most important things to me. Now, let's go have a baby."

When you get to home, Yoongi gets you cleaned up while the midwife gets your tub ready for birth. Yoongi puts you in a sports bra and he puts on shorts and a t-shirt. He helps you in the tub, gets in behind you, and helps you sprinkle water over your belly as the midwife checks your progress. 

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