1 - The Summonings

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Within a hidden magic barrier on the outskirts of Fuyuki

Ectris stood in the courtyard of his villa looking up at the sky. "So it's begun. I can finally summon him." He said to himself before entering his villa.

He made his way through the long hallways to his workshop and stood before the summoning circle that he had made earlier.

He stretched his hand over the circle and began.

"By my command as the king who rules over the throne of heroes, answer my call and become my servant for this Holy Grail war.
Come to me now, Grand Caster. King Solomon."

The circle glowed a bright white and began to rise and fill the room as he spoke. Then the light filled the room for a moment before disappearing leaving a little bit of mist in it's wake and at the centre of the circle stood King Solomon.

Solomon opened his golden eyes and looked before him, to see who has summoned him

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Solomon opened his golden eyes and looked before him, to see who has summoned him.
His eyes widen in shock at the sight before him, a beautiful Male with long white hair but what makes him most shocked is the white cat ears and tail. A neko he believes people call them. But there is also something else that is strange about his master. For some reason he feels relieved to see him and happy? But why he's never met this man before.

"I am the Grand Caster King Solomon, the king of mages. It is a pleasure to meet you my master." Solomon greeted whilst bowing slightly.

Ectris watched him and let out a sad sigh when he saw that Solomon doesn't recognise him. 'I guess I should have expected that even if I personally summoned him he wouldn't recognise me. I seriously hate that darn curse.' "Please rise Solomon." Ectris's said hiding his sorrow with a kind and welcoming smile. 'Oh well, at least I was actually able to summon him. He's as beautiful as I remember.' "My name is Ectris, I hope that we will get along well during our time together."

Solomon looked up at him with a small smile on his lips. "I hope so as well."

The forest outside of Ectris's Villa

A large lion sat in a clearing with a glowing circle in front of it.

The circles light filled the clearing then disappeared revealing a long green haired man?

"Why Hello there, are you my master?" The green haired man asked as he knelt before the lion and stroked its head.

"Enkidu." The lion spoke telepathically which surprised the green haired man, Enkidu.

"You know me?" Enkidu asked shocked.

"Indeed we met you a long time ago, me and my master did. Im not surprised that you don't recognise me since I share my Masters curse since I am his familiar." The lion explained.

Fate/Zero - The Grand Caster And The Forgotten KingWhere stories live. Discover now