6 - Touya

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(Chapters will probably be a lot shorter now that any sense of canon has short out the window. Also for some strange reason my Wattpad is being a pain in the ass and keeps on putting this chapter before chapter 5 so if yours is also doing this you will have to skip to chapter 5 then come back to this one. Sorry for the inconvenience, I have no idea why it is doing this.)

Whilst everyone is still staring at him in shock, Ectris feels his phone buzz meaning that he has a text.

He takes his phone out of his pocket, after placing the grail on the table, and looks down at it to see that it's from Touya. He unlocks his phone and reads it.
Please save me Im scared Please get me away from him
After reading the text Ectris stood up. "Sorry but there's something I need to take care of." He said, excusing himself before rushing into the hallways.

His body glows a bright red as it changes into their true form. They swipe their right hand through the air in front of them creating a crack in the air.

They steps through it and on the otherside enters a dojo like room. They looks around until they see a red headed boy, with bandages covering his arms legs and neck, curled up in a ball on the floor, bleeding and burnt, and crying.

"Touya." Ectris calls quietly to not scare the young boy.

Touya looks up and struggles to get up to go to them but he collapses.

Ectris catches him before he hits the floor and lifts him into their arms. "It's ok, I'm here." They quietly says whilst holding the shaking boy close.

"Please take me away." Touya cried out whilst clinging tightly onto Ectris and crying.

"Ok." Ectris answered as they walked back through the crack, which closes behind them this time, and reemerges in Rivendell.

They carry Touya to their medical room and carefully place him on one of the counters. "I'm going to heal your injuries, ok?" They gently tells the boy, who gives them a small nod. They lift one of Touya's injured arms and brings his small hand to their lips. When they kisses Touya's hand all of the boys injures fade until they are completely gone.

"Thank you, Ect." Touya said whist trying to hug the much taller being but only being able to reach slightly around their head.

"Of course, little one." Ectris replies with a smile as they hugs the little boy back.

A moment later the two hear a yell through the hall.


The loud yell made Touya jump so Ectris rubbed his back to sooth him. "Don't worry it's just some guests I have over." Ectris reassured him.

"Hey Ect?" Touya asked as he leaned back a little so that he can see Ectris's face.

"Mmm?" Ectris looked down at him curiously.

"Is there a way that I can use my flames in a way that won't hurt me, or perhaps somehow heal myself with my flames?" Touya asked unsurely, looking down at his hands when asking the second idea.

Ectris looked at him in shock before a smile stretched across their face. They knelt down and placed Touya down before them.

Touya looked at Ectris in shock as they took his hand into their own whilst smiling at him proudly.

"There is, Touya. I can give you the knowledge of how to, but you must master it yourself." Ectris told him as a blue mark began to appear on Touya's arm that they are holding. The mark is a blue Phoenix.

Touya looked at it in shock before looking up at Ectris with determination shining in his eyes. "I will."

Ectris smiled even more before standing back up and changed into their Male neko form.

Touya looked at them in confusion as they changed forms.

"They don't know about my true form." Ectris explained as he headed back into the hallway and headed to the other's with Touya following him.

As they walked down the hallway Touya reached up and held Ectris's hand in his own shyly.

Ectris looked down at him in shock before smiling.

The two entered the room where Ectris left the others to be greeted by stares from everyone there, demanding an explanation.

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