Chapter Thirty-eight

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Chapter Thirty-eight 

I've enjoyed just about as much of this as I can stand.



   "I can't believe I lost him," I moaned for what felt like the ten millionth time in the past seventy-two hours. I had let go of Marks hand, just for a second but in all the chaos and turmoil going on it had been long enough. We'd been searching for him ever since.

    "He knew where we were going so why hasn't he come here yet?" I demanded of Jacob as we ran across the war-ravaged street. Bricks were strewn across the footpath and street, one car was overturned while another lay on its side. I had been right when suggesting this place. With the exception of a young couple ducking inside our hideout to avoid a marauding band of looters no one had given the building a second glance. Last night we had watched, afraid and a little buzzed as a group of marauders chased a group of cops down the street throwing bits of brick and Molotov cocktails. Everything was going to hell in a hand basket but it was still nothing compared to we're we had just come from.

   Three days of rioting and the city still wasn't under control. Burnt out cars and buildings were everywhere. People welding homemade weapons still roamed the streets attacking anyone who came near. The police presence was stronger then ever but that only seemed to make things worse. When they weren't getting pelted by whatever was handy they just stood around, looking menacing with their shields and flack jackets but otherwise doing nothing. What could they do? They were outnumbered five to one.

  The rioting seemed thickest around Marks pick up point. At the time I had marked it in the middle of the mall with lots of witnesses had seemed like such a good idea, now I just prayed that Mark had found a safe place to hid and was just waiting for the right time to come out. Anything else was unthinkable.

    "Where is he?"

  Jacob waved up to Petra as we got closer but I was ignoring him as much as he was ignoring me. I knew I was repeating myself. I knew I must have been driving everyone batty but I had gave my word I would keep the kid safe but when push came to shove I had dropped the ball, or his hand whichever worked.

     So focused was I on self-flagellation I missed the thunk of tyres across rumble or the sound of doors thrown open. I looked up just in time to see Petra's eyes go wide before the black bag went over my head. I panicked, swinging my arms wide and kicking at that what ever I could reach it still didn't take then longer then a minute to cable tie me up and throw me in the back of the car. I groaned as Jacob was thrown on top, his elbow connecting nicely with my kidney. The gag did nothing to stop my insults, just because they were garbled didn't mean they weren't understood.

   We drove for what felt like hours. Sometimes it was quiet, other times not. We passed one band of looters at least; I heard the volley of bottles brake as they hit the car. What I wished beyond all else that the kidnappers would meet a big enough band and the car would somehow get over turned. Anything to stop us reaching our destination.

  Jacob garbled something above my head but I hadn’t a clue what it was.

   When the car finally came to a stop and the doors opened I struggled just as hard to stay in the car, as I had to stay out of it. I didn't know what was waiting outside but if it involved blind foods and cable ties I wanted nothing to do with it. Finally someone grunted, hefting me up over their shoulder and carrying my like a sack of potatoes. My bones jarred when I was dropped unceremoniously to the ground. Opening my mind up to the blackness it stayed elusively out of reach. The one time I wanted to pass out I couldn't, stupid adrenalin glands.

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