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  It was Soobin's first day of college, and boy was he nervous and excited. Well it technically wasn't his first day, he didn't start classes yet, not until Monday (It was Saturday). He was moving into the apartment (since he didn't want to move into a small dorm) and sharing it with someone he didn't really know, which sounds scary. However, he did hear from his best friend Huening Kai, since Kai was friends with him, that he was a nice person and very handsome. He trusted Kai, for Kai was the sweetest person ever and like a brother to Soobin. They have known each other since they were babies. Kai was the cutest person to Soobin, always.

  He had messaged him ('him' being his knew roommate) a while ago for the info because he wanted to move in with someone that too was in college... and Soobin was really shy because this was new and he didn't want the first impression to be bad. His name was Yeonjun.. and Soobin couldn't of been more excited to see who his roommate would be. He shouldn't be THIS excited.. but he couldn't help it... It was a totally new experience for Soobin and he couldn't wait to see how it would go. He was excited for the new college life and finally being on his own.

  He just arrived at the apartment, his belongings in hand and accompanied by a suitcase. He didn't want to bring all of his belongings at the moment, for he wanted to see for himself how big his room would be before he did anything else. He looked at his phone and opened up the messages from Yeonjun.


The keys are under the mat.
I'll be back tomorrow, make yourself comfortable!

  Soobin was actually glad Yeonjun wasn't here yet.. he wanted to get used to the place before meeting his roommate really.. He was super nervous.. The only reason Yeonjun wasn't there was because of some emergency that came up with his family, for that is what Yeonjun told him.

  With that, he lifted up the side of the mat and took the keys from underneath. He put in into the lock and unlocked the door. He took the keys out, put them in his pocket, and headed into the new apartment. To the right there was the living room, it wasn't too big but it wasn't small either. There was a dinning table behind the couch and then there was the kitchen. Directly in front of the door was a hallway with a few doors and one at the end.

  It was a nice apartment, Soobin could tell he was going to like it quite a lot. It was cute and cozy. He headed down the hallway and looked in the first room. It definitely wasn't his, it was decorated with posters of rappers and he had shelves filled with CDs and the rest was random things (like a fox plushie that Soobin noted to himself that was really cute). This was definitely Yeonjun's room, and Soobin closed the door. He was interested in what he had in his room (that Soobin didn't see), yet he knew better and left it alone. He moved onto the next door and it turned out to be a hall closet. He moved onto the next one and it happened to be the room he was going to stay in.

  The room was empty aside from a mattress in the corner of the room with sheets neatly pilled at the end of the mattress. Soobin walked in and took a good look around the room. He started to plan out where he would place his furniture. He looked at the note on top of the sheets.

Dear Choi Soobin,

Just thought you might of wanted some sheets to start out with in case you needed some. There's food in the fridge for you, I made sure to ask Kai about what foods you like so I went by what he told me! I hope you like it! If you need to, you can always text me.

Enjoy yourself!

Your new roommate, Yeonjun

  Soobin thought it was really cute... that Yeonjun thought of buying food for someone he didn't know and putting out this stuff for him and writing this note but he didn't want to admit that. He was starting to get hungry.. and he surely had a long day ahead of him (with all the moving furniture that is). He put his stuff down and headed down the hallway. He then realized he didn't check the last door. He walked to the end of the hallway and opened the door. It was just the bathroom, stupid Soobin you should of assumed that. The bathroom was actually not crowded nor spacious. It was perfect, and Soobin absolutely loved it. Soobin then walked the opposite way and into the kitchen. Before he did anything else, he pulled out his phone and texted Taehyun.


You almost here to help me? :)

  Taehyun was Soobin's best friend (aside from Kai), and he knew he could always rely on him. While he loved to mess around with Soobin from time to time, he was a great listener and gave great advice. He was always there for Soobin, and Soobin was thankful to have a friend like Taehyun.


Of course dummy, I'll be there in 15 minutes

  That should give Soobin enough time to eat. With that, Soobin looked in the fridge for any food to munch on before Taehyun came.


  It was the end of the day, about 8 pm, and Soobin (accompanied by Taehyun) had finally finished moving his stuff in. Soobin plopped down onto his bed, hugging his pillow. Taehyun sat next to Soobin and sighed.

"You're such a twink, hyung." Taehyun said as he looked around the room. Soobin perked his head up at Taehyun.

"I'm not a twink!" Soobin whined as he playfully kicked Taehyun. Taehyun chuckled at Soobin's response.

"Yes, you are hyung." Soobin pouted cutely and buried his face in his pillow. Taehyun was just playing around with Soobin, and Soobin knew that, but being called a twink? That was something new.

"Perhaps..." Soobin whispered into his pillow. Taehyun gasped. Soobin is gay... but he never really told anyone outside of his family. The only people outside of his family that knew were Kai and Taehyun. Soobin wasn't really open about his sexuality, mostly because he didn't want people to think of him differently. He was already an introvert, and didn't have many friends. No matter how many times Taehyun has said otherwise, Soobin still was afraid of people turning away from him because of his sexuality.

"So you admit it, huh?" Taehyun teased as he poked Soobin's side. Soobin giggled at the contact.

"Stoooop~" Soobin whined while giggling.

"Nope, not until you tell me I was right!" Taehyun said as he tickled Soobin. Soobin broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Taehyun! Please!" Soobin giggled. Soobin started to tickle Taehyun back, and soon enough, Taehyun was giggling along with him. He didn't mind Taehyun teasing him, it was fun and he always knew Taehyun wasn't purposely trying to get under his skin.

  This was merely the start of Soobin's college life and the adventure he would soon have with his new roommate.


A/N: Do you guys like it so faaaar? This is mostly like an introduction to the story, but could also be considered chapter 1? This is like my first ever actual story (not a one shot) so it's not the best, and I will try to make the chapters longer. Feel free to comment your thoughts and any suggestions you have! <3 <3

Also the pic below is what my bff drew of Yeonjun's room for this fic <3

Also the pic below is what my bff drew of Yeonjun's room for this fic <3

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You will see Soobin's in the next chapter. 😉

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