Chapter Two

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  --JUST a little author's note before we start to save you all from confusion. I will have other groups in this fic as well; however, not every member of the group will be an idol. Just something to keep in mind as you read! --

  The moment Kai showed Yeonjun a picture of Soobin, he fell in love. He was the cutest boy he has ever seen and he couldn't believe he was rooming with someone that beautiful. God he was so in love. He wasn't sure how he would be able to hold himself back from staring at him when he moved in. He is so fucking gay for this guy, how is this even possible. Thank God he already had to go to his parents house (not that he would of resisted since his parents were nagging him to stay with them for the weekend), or else he was sure to of embarrassed himself in the first meeting. He couldn't just NOT help Soobin move in if he was there, right? It would be rude, but Yeonjun wasn't sure if he was able to look at Soobin and not be stuck in a trance just yet. If he saw Soobin now... he was for sure doomed. It was unbelievable how in love Yeonjun was already, and he hasn't even talked to the guy much!

  He couldn't possibly be in love with Soobin already... Right?... Well maybe... He wasn't sure what he was feeling, he needed some time to figure these feelings out. After he came back home from his parents house, he tried to drown out the thoughts of Soobin with his music. Yet, he kept finding himself thinking of the tall boy. Maybe he was just obsessed with him? It was like some unknown force kept dragging Yeonjun back to him. Perhaps he was being a little bit mean to Soobin by not talking to him after he came back... but Soobin didn't talk to him either. Was Soobin shy?  Yeonjun still had a lot to learn about this boy, yet he already was catching feelings. He wasn't sure what he was going to do with himself.


  It was now Soobin's first day of college. Gosh, he was a little nervous! He quickly got up and put on the clothes he promised Taehyun he would wear today. He stopped for a moment to take a selfie then headed out of his room. He looked towards Yeonjun's door and realized his light wasn't on. He has probably left already. Soobin sure hoped to at least see him as he left... Why did he leave so quick?

  He brushed off his thoughts and quickly got himself breakfast. After he was done he got all his things together and headed out.

  Soobin arrived at the college and looked at the building in front of him. He sighed. There's a first time for everything. He was a little shy and wasn't sure what others would think about him. That being any person that he goes by today.

  He walked into the building, looking for his class. As he went down the hall, he didn't pay much attention to the small groups of people hanging out and talking. He did notice a group of girls that seemed to be staring at him and whispering to each other. Soobin got nervous and bit his lip. He found his class and walked right in. That is until he noticed Yeonjun, he stopped in his tracks.

  It's as if the whole world was in slow motion. He's so fucking pretty- no handsome. So much more handsome in person...  Yeonjun was talking to some students sitting around him, but it's as if he was calling Soobin to come towards him. Soobin heard this calling and headed towards the older boy. He walked up to Yeonjun and somehow had the courage to speak up.

"Hey Yeonjun-hyung." Soobin said with a small cute smile. Yeonjun turned to face him and his heart skipped a beat. Not once did he ever consider the possibility of Soobin having the same class as him, but here they are now. Yeonjun gave Soobin a genuine smile.

"Soobin? You're in this class too?" Both of their hearts were racing at this point, nervous for their first meeting in person. Soobin nodded and smiled.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" Soobin said as he motioned to the seat next to him. He's so fucking cute what the fuck goes on? How did God manage to make a guy this cute and pretty? Yeonjun thought.

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