Chapter 1

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  Soobin finally woke up from his slumber, being welcomed to the light from outside, peeking through the blinds. Soobin winced at the bright light and groaned. He did not want to get up.. although he did sleep for almost 15 hours straight.. Soobin was used to be woken up by something that prevent him from sleeping in so much, but life was different now for the tall boy and he had to get used to it.

He looked at his bedside table and grabbed his phone. It was 11:30 am... how did he manage to sleep in so long? He sat up in his bed and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked around his bedroom to try and awake himself. Once he finally started waking up, he noticed that there was music coming from the room next to him. It took him a moment to realize that it was his roommate... Yeonjun. He listened in a little more closely and could make out that it was rap... but didn't know the song or the artist. After a few more seconds of listening, he decided to get up and exit his room. He headed into the kitchen and got himself cereal and went back into his room. He got on his computer to checkup on any news about his classes and what to expect while he ate his breakfast. The music was still on, not super loud, but enough that every once in a while it would distract Soobin.

  Soobin sighed. This just wasn't going to do. He picked up his phone and texted Taehyun.

Taehyun, I'm bored

What do you want me to do about it?

Hang out with me? I'm lonely. 😭

You have your roommate stupid.
Did he arrive yet?

Yeah but..


  Soobin was not about to admit he was too shy to talk to his new roommate. Taehyun would definitely tease him about it. He knew he was a pansy, and he wasn't looking forward to getting teased about it.

I want to annoy you 😌

He probably should not of said that.


café later? 🥺🙏

Only if you apologize 😤

I'm sorry taehyun 😭😭🙏🥺💕

You're pathetic

But ur still friends with me

You better be there at 1
Or I'm leaving your ass

You're so mean 😭😭😭

You know I don't mean it

You don't? 🥺
You're amazing Taehyun 😭😭😭❤️


Soobin put his phone down, stood up, and stretched. Well.. at least his day wasn't going to be boring anymore! He turned off his computer and went into his closet to pick out clothes to wear. After he felt the clothing he had on was good enough, he grabbed his things and headed out. Not without putting his bowl in the sink of course.


  Soobin had just arrived at the cafe, and checked the time on his phone, it was 1 pm. With that, he headed into the cafe. He was welcomed by the workers inside, to which he responded with a bow and a "thanks." He looked around and saw Taehyun sitting at a table by himself, isolated from other people in the shop. Good choice Taehyun. Soobin headed over to Taehyun and sat down in the seat across from him.

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