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Shakeesha's POV

I drag my belongings to the basement with a heavy heart. I didn't expect him to put me there and it came as a shock to me, not because I wanted special treatment but it had never crossed my mind that that's where I would be staying for the rest of my life now. I swallowed my pride and did as he asked. I was going to do everything possible for him to forgive me, I wasnt going to ruin it. Reaching the basement , I open the door and it opens with a creek. Its dark and the air is stuffy. I leave my things at the door and move my hands over the wall trying to find the light switch. I keep going in further and further before I find it. The surface a little bit sticky and mucky for my liking but I turn it on anyway. The light flickers for a few seconds before finally casting its eerie glow on the empty place.I gasp in horror and disgust.

The room is mouldy, dusty and just disgusting. At the corner of the room,  its leaking therefore there is a slimy disgusting puddle wiggling lazily with each drop of whatever's coming from above. I gag a little. There is an adjacent bathroom and am afraid of going in. But I find myself moving towards it. The door is held on by only one hinge at the top and the bottom is just swinging dangerously. I push it with the tip of my index finger and its all it needed for the door finally fell with a grunt,  its rotten old boards breaking and throwing splinters all over. I let a little scream of surprise and stare at it in fright.

I finally get a glance of the toilet and I can't hold in the barf. I vomit right there and then emptying my stomach and the smell of the toilet makes me vomit even more. My chest hurts from the heaving I've done and I almost fall over but I don't. I drag myself out of there and go at the door inhaling the fresh air of sparks house greedily. The basement was horrendous. I didn't see a bed and am sure Sparks wasn't going to just give it to me. I would ask him even though I was sure he wouldn't give it to me. I put my wild curls in a bun and am glad when I find I did not drench it in my barf. Rolling my sleeves up my elbow I go towards sparks office.

I try thinking of things I was going to tell him without sounding bratty or needy. Reaching his office,  I take a huge breath and knock. There is no response and I knock again. But he's not responding. I decide to use my wolf hearing to hear if he's inside and just ignoring me. Coming up empty I come to the conclusion he must be in his room. I go back to the basement sighing in despair of the work that awaited me .I only had one solution,  say fuck it and dive into the disgusting basement and clean it as much as possible. I go into the kitchen first and drank some cold water to remove the vomit after taste,  then headed into the supply closet to see if I would find anything of help. Luckily enough everything I needed was there. Good thing I didn't find Sparks and ask him for them otherwise he would have insulted me and called me incompetent.

Getting straight to work I make sure I scrab everywhere, thoroughly disinfect and wash the horrible bathroom, bleach the sink and do everything possible to make that place clean. When am done am panting in fatigue and my hair is all over the place. Am sweaty and really hungry but above everything, I am terribly exhausted. I just want to lie down and sleep but I don't have a bed. The door that fell, I had placed it  on one side of the room promising myself to try and return it back to its hinges.

Just then the door bell rings. I head towards it feeling every bone in my body protesting. Opening it and am met with a middle aged man with dark curly locks. His brown doe eyes watch me nonchalantly and his smooth face is stoic. He doesnt make an attempt to talk and I freak out a little. He was making me uncomfortable. His stare was unnerving.
"Hi. Can I help you?" I ask hesitantly.
"Alpha ordered some staff and had me deliver them here. Sign here, " he says. His voice deeper than I anticipated. He pushes a clipboard with some papers on it and a pen towards me but I don't take them.
"Me? Why should I sign it if the Alpha ordered for them? Isn't he the one to sign for it?" I ask confused.
"My orders are for you to sign for it because the package is for you Luna, " he says firmly. The name Luna makes me flinch uncomfortably but I sign none the less. What package was I receiving anyway, and why?
"Good evening, " he says and disappears.
Before I can comprehend what's happening, four burly men enter the house and I almost scream. They look like pack warriors and they don't spare me a glance.

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