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Perry the Platypus was sitting at his house with Pinus and Ferp when the dumb idiot boys went outside to build a goat fucker 9000 or some shit. Perry had waddled into the kitchen to make himself a egg. Perry had fucked up making an egg and just broke all the eggs on the floor because he's a fucking Platypus and has no hands. Perry had waddled outside to tell Phenos and Flop what he did and atone for his crimes. "What are you doing Perry?" asked Peno. "QrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRR" said Perry in a lustful voice. "The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" said Fuck in a emotionless tone. Phat put Perry down and went back to working on the Goat Fucker 9000 (tm). suddenly Perry had been teleported trough time and space into a endless void before dropping into a land that felt deadly british.

Peppa has a crush (Perry the platypus x Peppa pig)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora