Peppa's nightmare

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Peppa woke up in her bed, her forehead damp and her head pounding violently, as she got out of bed her bed creaked loudly and that had worsened her headache. As she walked over to her door she collapsed on the floor as she remembered the dream she had last night.

Her dream

Peppa was walking around her garden, looking for muddy puddles to jump in when she felt someone watching her. Peppa was starting to sweat nervously as she thought who would be watching her. Peppa took a step forward and realised she had walked right into the body of Mommy Pig. Peppa wanted to scream in fear but she felt a cloth over her mouth, her thoughts running in her head and then. Black.

A while later

Peppa woke up sitting in a dark room, when she tried to stand up she realised she was tied to a chair. Peppa wondered who would do such a thing. She realised the only person who would do this was....... her brother George. The name struck her head like a bad hangover on a saturday night. She looked around the room, her eyes darting everywhere, sweat running down her forehead when she saw a demonic like figure standing in the corner of the room. The figure was shorter than her but not by much, it had a crooked neck and was deathly skinny. She had seen what the creature was wearing and she had found that her suspicions had been correct. It was George. George snapped his neck a full 180 degrees and stared at Peppa with the grin if a creature out for blood. George grabbed a knife and walked over to Peppa. Peppa could only say a couple words. "Stop it George!" said Peppa to the devilish George and he stopped in his place. He dropped the knife and became his normal self and started bawling his eyes out like a pussy. After like 7 straight minutes of crying he got up and became his evil form and ran at Peppa faster than Lightning Mc.Queen saying kerchow. Right before George struck Peppa, she snapped back to reality and continued her day thinking about 1 thing, that dream wasn't a dream. It was a warning

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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