Big thiccus

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As that fat slut Peppa woke up with a rat squirming around in her pig coochie before drowning in how wet she was, Peppa heard her parents fighting like always because broken marriage. Right before she left her room, Perry broke her door down and sent her flying through the room and out of orbit before Perry caught Peppa and pulled her into a lustful smooch. After they separated the kiss, Perry said "~qrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr~" it was the nicest thing anyone had said about her. Perry and Peppa had decided to go out and eat children at Jerry's kids and onions. Once they entered the restaurant they were met by Jerry, the owner. "H1 w311c0m3 t0 j3rry'5 k1d5 and 0n10n5 what w 0u1d l1ke l1ke t0day" asked Jerry in his voice that could make anyone fear him with a very cracked up face. "I will like a nice toasted child with a side of mayonnaise and my sexy hot man daddy would like a fetus" said Peppa ordering her food in a sluty voice. Once they got they got there food Perry ate the fetus and also ate his free egg to finally to get his egg from when he broke all of the eggs in the fridge, Peppa started drizzling her burnt ass baby with mayonnaise and ate the child and the plate before leaving the restaurant and not paying. Once they got home Perry had made minecraft fortnite roblox epik gamer house and said goodbye to Peppa and went to bed. Peppa felt like she wanted more so she snuck into Perry's house and woke up Perry and had a nice thoughtful conversation about burger king foot letuce. After Perry went to bed Peppa went inside and saw Daddy Pig on the couch and Mummy Pig in bed with Molly Mole. Peppa had crawled on all fours into her bed and went to bed peacefully because George was fucking dead, or at least thats what she thought.

Peppa has a crush (Perry the platypus x Peppa pig)Where stories live. Discover now