Chapter Two

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The auditorium was very big compared to the few other ones that I've been to.

Tommy Thayer was still watching me every now and then, and now Eric Singer and Paul Stanley noticed what the spaceman was staring at.

"She's so young...and there's bound to be something bad that could happen once the show is over with".

Paul said to the Demon, who nodded his head and then looked over at me in the upper part of the audience.

I watched as the band made the pyrotechnics go up and the KISS Army cheered in applause and excitement.

When a group of men moved themselves into the five seats next to me on the right, I felt a little bit uncertain.

And Paul already knew it.

Once the concert was over with, the band knew that they had to find me before I got into serious danger.

I carefully made my way through the crowd and when I made it to a part of the stadium that had a few people around, I went to the soda machine to get myself a coke.

The tough looking group of men approached me.

"What's your name, pretty girl"?

They asked.

I was speechless and didn't know what to say.

Just then, I heard two familar male voices calling me to get my attention.

When I turned my head, I saw Tommy Thayer and Eric Singer.

They saw the group of tough looking men confronting me.

"Hey guys, let's not cause any trouble here. We're all here to have fun, right"?

Tommy tried to act positive about the whole situation, and then Paul Stanley came towards us.

With that, the gang decided that picking a fist fight with a famous band wasn't worth their time.

So, they left me alone.

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