Chapter Four

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Tommy led me to the private jet and I was starting to get tired.

I went to the small bathroom in the back to put on some comfier clothes.

When I came out, Tommy was sitting down in his seat by the window. He still had his shades on.

"Eric is probably gonna be blown away by what you're wearing".

He said to me, and I looked at what I was wearing.

It had a low cut part.

Soon, we heard Gene, Paul, and Eric coming.

Gene always sat in the very front and then, once he was comfortable and settled in, he pulled the thin door in beside of him to block out the noise.

Paul came from the back and then he sat down two seats in front of me.

Eric was on the opposite side, and then he saw the long sleeved pajamas that I was wearing.

He then moved to the seat next to me.

"Aww, you like her, don't you buddy"?

Tommy smiled his signature grin at the drummer.

"I'm just making sure that she's not too lonely".

Eric replied back, getting a few snickers from the Starchild.

"I think she's getting tired, why not share your blanket"?

Paul suggested and then, the frontman saw me yawning.

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and then noticed that Paul was watching me. And then he moved to the opposite side of me.

"Y'all aren't trying to start a relationship with the little lady, right"?

We heard Gene ask. The

Demon had a blanket in his lap.

I looked up at him, and then at the others.

The three of them all smiled at me.

"Here you go, kitten. You look like you're starving".

Eric handed me a big bag of Lays potato chips.

I took out a handful and ate them hungrily. "Wow, she was hungry".

Paul winked at me. He took one single chip from the bag and ate it slowly.

I took another one out and offered it to Tommy.

"Thank you".

He smirked at me and Gene turned back around in his seat.

Once the private jet took off and was finally flying high in the sky, everyone began to settle down for the night.

Eric wrapped the big blanket around himself and then I started to shiver.

"You wanna to cuddle up with me..."?

He asked me, and then Paul looked over at us.

"There's not much room over there".

The Starchild said to the Catman.

Then, the frontman had an idea. He

asked Eric to move off the seat for just a second and then he turned the two double seat into a bed.

"Come need your rest".

He pulled out the comforter and covered me up with it.

Eric came back with a sleeping mask and then he put it on.

He smiled and then licked my cheek with his cat tongue, being secretly a half feline made him act like a kitty sometimes.

I could also hear his purr, and it made me smile.

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