Chapter Three

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The guys had no idea that I was actually in my early twenties, and then I told them that I was twenty-one.

"We're really concerned about you being here all by yourself, sweetie".

Paul said to me kindly, and smiled.

"You need to be with  someone who can protect you at all times".

The Catman added.

After that, I was led to the backstage area and then the band went to discuss everything together as a band.

I was scratching my head, wondering what the hell was going on.

Then, I saw something else that was standing right behind me.

It was those tough looking group of guys.

I blinked my eyes to see if I wasn't dreaming, and unfortunately, it was not a dream.

One of the tough guys reached out and grabbed me by my hair and I yelled in pain.

Eric and Tommy turned their heads and they saw what was happening to me.

I kicked one of the bad guys in the family jewels and he dropped me as he held his crotch.

All of a sudden, I saw a purple beam of light and it was coming from the Starchild.

Using the black star on his left eye, he made the bad guys forget everything that happened and they were all confused as to what they were doing here.

I stared at them with uncertainty in my eyes.

Eric looked like a fierce kitty cat and he was standing in front of me, as if the drummer was trying to protect me from the danger.

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