Chapter N.2-The Bloody Bride and The White Robes

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"Satin... An half Ghost-half Skeleton hybrid with white robes covering his skeletric body. He wears exactly two layers of robes, the bigger one is placed on his shoulders, covering his upper body, it is mostly white, but it is striped with black. Meanwhile, his lower body is covered by a tighter layer of robes that end up in a spiral of ghost-like substance, almost resembling fog."

"Roma and Satin got ready to surpass the tiles. The Bloody Bride's eyes don't look the bravest around here, but they are damn determined to leave this place."

Sat=Roma, look... Everyone here in The Leemboah owns an Ability, a power obtained by being reborn in this sinister place.

Rom=... That means I have an ability too?

Sat=Of course! Now look.

"The Pure Robes fly forward, touching every tile's line with his spiked steel ball, schreeching on the floor."

"Roma tempestively closes her eyes, looking away from Satin's horrible death."

Sat=Roma? You can open your eyes! This is my ability!

Sat=I can become intangible. I did not feel any pain while walking on the tiles' spaces.

Rom=It is a-a great ability!

Sat=Do you really think so?...

"Satin calmly stares into Roma's eyes..."

Rom=Of course I do!

"The Bloody Bride smiles to The White Robes."

Sat=... Thank you, miss.

Sat=Hey... Roma, your look hides something. I think you are... Sad inside... Sorry for assuming.

Rom=Oh... I don't think I am sad... Just let us pass these tiles, shall we?

Sat=Oh, yeah, I'm sorry.

Rom=There's no need to say "sorry"! Satin, now we are friends!

"She smiles again, as he talks.."

Sat=Why do you smile so much? It is weird...

Rom=I do it because... Because...

Rom=I remember that smiling was everthing I had, when I was alive. Ahah!~

Sat=Aw, I am truly sor-.... I mean, I did not want to talk about these things...

"Roma loudly sighs, clearly in pain."

Rom=Don't worry about it.

Sat=Let me help you cross the tiles.

Sat=I know it's a weird question, but... Can I lift you?

Rom=Sure, I read your look, I know your plan.

Rom=If you lift me,I will not touch a single line. And you can make yourself intangible to avoid the pain caused from stepping on them.

Sat=You are smart, Miss Roma.

Rom=Thank you, Satin.~

"Roma simply... Smiles again."

Rom=Try to lift me.

"As his ghostly hands wrap around her candid body, a dead light makes his body fade away, morphing it into a translucent state.

"His entire body becomes intangible, causing Roma to drop to the floor."


Rom=There is no need to say sorry, I did not touch the floor.


"Roma is suspended in mid-air, tightly holding her bloody knife, pointed at the sky."

Rom=I extracted this kitchen knife from the hole in my chest. This weapon is lifting me up...

"She just felt like doing it, a feeling that was born in her heart, and reached her brain."

Rom=This... Is my Ability.

"The surprised look on Satin's face makes our Bride laugh."

Rom=A homing knife... I can surpass these tiles with ease!

"The two undeads fly across the floor, reaching the gates of the Graveyard."

Rom=And now? What should I do with this knife?

Rom=Maybe I should...

"The Bloody Bride violentely puts her knife back to its place, right through her chest, piercing her kind, fast-pumping heart."

"Her agonized scream covers the entire Graveyard."

"Her crimson blood spurted everywhere, as her face distorts in an expression of pain, and fear."

"Satin looks away, scared of this silly choice.

Sat=Are-Are you alright?

Rom=Yes, I... Am... Do not worry about me, just let me rest a bit.

"The Pure Robes help Roma finding somewhere to rest, finally entered the immense land of The Leemboah."

"Different houses, grim, old were now visible. The houses were made of wheat, wood and iron. And even though they got outside of the Graveyerd, a weak fog still suffocates the air."

"Some ugly monsters and undeads are walking around here, ignoring our duo."

"Their steps got silent, because of the molded green grass that covers this world's ground."

"An old fountain is the place chosen by our duo, to serve as a seat for an exhausted Roma."

"Some water spurts gently hit Roma's bloody robes."

Sat=Maybe I should put some water on your face, miss. I do not want you to pass out or anything like that...

"Satin tears apart his candid vest to use it as a wet robe to get Roma's face fresh and relaxed."

Sat=I hope this fountain's water is clean!...

Rom=I hope so too!

"Roma laughs, trying to make Satin feel more comfortable with her."

Rom=Why... Why are you so kind and sweet to me?

"The Bloody Bride just needs to look him in his scared eyes to know that answer."

Rom=Maybe you feel... Lonely?

"An astonished look covers Satin's face, realising how strong this woman's empathy is."

Sat=I just... Know how being alone feels... You were by yourself about to face those dangerous tiles, and I just thought you needed... Help... I am sorry if I-

Rom=You did great! Why do you keep saying "sorry"? You helped me! You did something good! Cheer up!

Sat=I never felt this way... Or... I do not remember feeling such a thing.

Rom=Basically... We need to remember how we died?


"Satin quickly covers Roma's mouth while looking around, worried."

Sat=Knowing how an undead died... Is illegal in this world... They say God declared so.

Rom=I don't care. I will find out how I died. I was reborn in this world with one of my favourite things, back then, when I was alive...

"Roma takes her book out, sweeping off the dust it got onto it."

Sat=You reborn with a mortal object?! T-that never happened! Well... At least since I got here.

Rom=Since when, you are here?

Sat=10 minutes.

"Roma loudly sighs."

Rom=I think I feel better... Let's find more informations there, to that hub...

"They both stand up, as Roma points at that tiny and bad-looking inn..."

End Of Chapter 2.

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