Chapter N.15-The Mindless Beast Vs The Chicken

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"Kurio will face The Chicken in just a few seconds... And Gabriél ran away to rescue The Ghost Child. The situation is tense down there... Meanwhile, in the school, Bezra and Satin are still guarding Tha Lab's Hatch."

"The Mindless Beast, Kurio, is a kind kid. He never thought he would have killed someone, until he met the rebels. He chose this path, trusting Roma and the others. He knows he is not going to regret this."

"His huge limbs start moving to run towards The Chicken."

"His teeth become bloody as he pierces The Beast's body."

"He munches the entire chunk of flesh. The Chicken screams in pain."

Kur="It worked! I'm so happy!"

Kur=Hey, Miss Chicken, do you know how to talk?

Lar=W-Why are you here?

"Her voice is filled with terror."

Kur=Oh, you can talk. We're here because- "Maybe I shouldn't talk..."

Kur=I am the one who asks, tell me, why are you here?

"The Chicken doesn't hesitate to strike, it shoots several hardened feathers towards Kurio."


"He doesn't even flinch, he needs to kill that beast, in order to gain time and erase their biggest problem."

Lar=... Just die.

Kur=Sorry, Miss, I can't! I said I made a promise!

Lar=We'll see... Stupid kid.

"Plenty of hardened feather are thrown against Kurio, in succession."

"Kurio charges in once again, but..."

"A weird presence feels the room. There are no feathers flying, no screams, no roars..."

"But he is here."

"Kurio turns around, and glances at this small phantom wearing an old hoodie."

Kur=Y-you! Pocco! You're The Ghost Child?!


"After a few seconds of ashaming silence, The Ghost Child, Pocco,starts to talk.)

Poc=...Oh. Ok.

"The Chicken just ran past Kurio."

"Gabriél is chasing Pocco."

"... Lara suddendly stops following The Ghost Child, Kurio is confused."

Kur="What is she doing?! Does she want to kill him?!"

Kur=Mr. Gabriel! Save him, please!

"Gabriel shows a weird grin."

Gab=I've got it.

"... Suddenly, Kurio's limbs start trembling. He can't stand up anymore."

Kur=W-why can't I... Stand up?...

"He blacks out, drained from his strenght."

"Meanwhile, The Ghost Child is still running, chased by The Chicken."

Lar=My soporific feathers already got him...

Lar=And you're the next one, Ghost Child!

"A storm of feathers is thrown at Pocco, but a flying knife, coming from nowhere, deflects them all."

"Her elegant and confident steps resemble a melody."

"Roma is here."

Rom=You're The Ghost Child?

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