Chapter N.11-Detective Denver

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"Our group got back at Gabriél's home... Every tear is wiped and their hearts are now ready for more."

"Later that night... Next to a silly looking bar, in Phoonaf's Village, The Detective Denver..."

Den="It was a dark and storm- Ah! No, it's actually a nice night outside..."

"In this humble inn, his powerful presence enters the room, silently. The only sound interrupting this peace is a burning cigarette."

"The Detective's cigarette."

"As this mysterious detective enters the Inn, everyone remains silent, staring at him."

"His hat tipped, he smiled and said:"

Den=Gentlemen. I need answers.

"His purple coat floated as the door was closed and his long leg took a step forward."

Den=What? Why is everbody silent? Do I have something...

"His slim hands, covered in purple gloves move the collar out of the way, to show his face to everyone."

Den=...on my face?

"Nothing was on his face. He has no nose, no eyes, just his mouth and his just lit cigarette.

"The owner of the Inn finds the courage to speak to this mysterious man."

Own=G-good evening, Sir.

Den=Let's just get to the point. I'm Detective Denver. Here's my ID.

"Denver takes his ID out of his coat, showing it to the Inn Owner.

Own=Mh. I see you come from that rich city... Utopia... What is such a person searching in this humble village?

Den=... I'm investigating about the army. Why would The Army Of The King come here? I'm looking for The General.

"A not sympathetic voice pops out of nowhere."

???=I'm right here, in the shadows. My name is-

Den=I know damn well who you are. General Roland.

Rol=T-This voice... Let me get out of the shadow to get a good look at you...

"The General leaves his chair to get up. This tall and buff man is a zombie with huge cracks on his skull, and a sleepy eye. His uniform is green, with many medals attached to it. And a Black Feather is positioned on top of his helmet."

Rol=... Why were you looking for me?

"Denver espires smoke from his mouth,with a bored look on his face."

Den=Listen here, Rolly.

Den=Where are you hiding the kid?

Rol=I do not hide any kid. What are you talking about, Denver?

Den=... I have noticed something on your uniform.

"Denver gets closer to The General."


"Roland starts to sweat."

Den=Where is the kid?

Rol=I was fighting a ghost and-

Den=Your back is a weird place to fight a ghost with.

Den=Were you carrying him on your back?

"A menacing silence breaks in. Tension grows between the two of them."

"The owner of the Inn tries to calm everyone but..."

Own=Hey! You two! No fights in my Inn, am I clea-

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