Hes not dead?-Alvaro

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Al:he's not dead?
Police:no he is not he luckily survived
J:man wtf
Al:no no no that wasn't the plan no FUCK
Mattias mom:how dare you Alvaro you guys were best friends
Al:not until he beat me up
D:for trying to stand up for me
(I think I forgot why they fought that was like the first GODDAMN chapter)
J:who cares
Police:well both of you are under arrest for trying once again the tragic INJURY of Mattia Polibio
Police:get him
They went and grabbed Alvaro since jasmine was already cuffed
You guys rush to the hospital and then wait in the waiting room duh that's what it's for.
Doctor:um for Mattia
D:oh that's us
Doctor:he is ok but he's in a coma rn
D:can we go see him
Doctor:ok but it has to be one by one
D:ok you can go first
Mattias mom:ok thank you
She leaves and then Alejandro comes in
A:is he alr
D:yea but he's in a coma
A:oh my god
You hug him and then it's your time to go
W/ Mattia
You hop on the bed with him and then you kiss him

I'm starting to get bored of this story but like whatever

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