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SORRY GUYS IM ENDING THE BOOK HERE. IK I SAID I WASNT IM SO SORRY. EVERYTHING WITH THE KID RUINED IT. I MIGHT MAKE A PART TWO TO THIS BOOK BUT MAYBE NOT. I HAVE OTHER STORIES TOO. IK YALL LIKED THIS BOOK SO MUCH AND IM SO SORRY. IVE NEVER ENDED A BOOK SO I DONT KNOW HOW IT FEELS. I HATE THIS SM BUT I HAVE TO DO IT. ILYSM AND THANKS FOR READING. ADIOS BABIES. I'm actually crying rn. This book was my motivation. I will be posting some updates if I feel like it but don't be too happy. It's sad that I have to say goodbye to all the views. Just check out my other stories it would mean a lot to me and will keep me motivated to work on this one if I even want to. Now fr adios

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