Never Ending Nightmares

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This story will switch POVs between
characters. Slanted text is me the author and bold text will be the switching of POVs. Enjoy 😊

Sals POV:    I was running as fast as I could feeling it's hot breath on my ankles. No matter how fast I ran it seemed to be right behind me. Soon enough it caught up to me, sinking it's teeth into my ankle causing me to fall. I quickly rolled over on my back to realize that was a mistake. It slowly came up to my face, we both knew what was about to happen. It bit at my face in an instant and all I could see was sharp teeth and the crimson red liquid rapidly leaving my body.
              I woke up in a cold sweat. I immediately grabbed my walkie talkie knowing full well that Larry would be asleep by now, but he did say call me when you need to. I held the device in my hands hovering my finger over the big red button on the side. I built up the courage to press it. "L-Larry?"  My voice cracked as I spoke, "Larry!?" Ugh I should just give up he's not awake, what was I thinking? Just then I heard crackling from the walkie, "Sally Face?" A raspy voice broke through the static. "Larry! I'm sorry for waking you.." "naw dude it's cool, you alright?" "Yeah just- some nightmares, could I come over?" "Sure bro, doors unlocked but be quiet, mom's sleeping. Over and out." I chuckled as I could see Larry's goofy smile in my mind.
I left the apartment walking down the empty hall to the old elevator, as I stepped in the elevator began it's odd jazz music. I adjusted my prosthetic and tightened my pigtails. The elevator practically screamed at me to get out and it's door creaked open. I walked up to Larry's apartment opening the door and stepping in quietly stepping into Larry's room, I could feel the heat radiating from my face behind the mask, he was shirtless.

Oh boy that was fun. Sorry it was so short, I'm new at this whole fan fiction thing. 😅 leave any suggestions or tips in the comments, I'd love to here what you have to say, and don't hold back I wanna get better at this. Thanks for reading, next chapter will come out soon!

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