Chapter 1

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"Did you hear, Kurosaki Ichigo got his powers back."

"That's awesome. I heard a few of the captains went to help. Isn't that just awesome! "

You sighed. News of the battle in the World of the Living was spreading like wildfire. It was a constant topic now. Ichigo Kurosaki, the Substitute Soul Reaper had long done fought with the fullbrings and reclaimed his abilities. The battle was over. Everything was back to normal.

You were pretty much tired of hearing all the commotion. It was exhausting. You just wanted to relax and drown in some-

"What are you doing." you jumped at the sudden voice. You looked up, eyes almost bulging out of your head. "K-K-Kuchiki-taicho!!" you squealed in surprise. His steel eyes watched you keenly as you backed away. You were supposed to deliver paperwork to his squad. You got there, but as usual you spaced out. The both of you stood in front of his office door. Apparently he was planning to leave, but you were actively blocking his way.

"I-I'm so sorry taicho!!!l" you yelled bowing. You held out the papers as you ranted you apologies frantically. Byakuya just watched unamused.

"Give me the paperwork." you froze, nodding as you handed it to him. You were too embarrassed to say anymore, without a word you flashstepped away.

"I'm such an idiot," you thought with a frown. As you hopped from building to building you wanted to slap yourself. You weren't anything special. You were just a regular squad member, no grand ranking or secret talent. You always wanted to be more, but you weren't strong, brave or selfless. Maybe that's why all those rumors of Ichigo annoyed you. 

You had constantly heard of his accomplishments, ever since he entered the Soul Society as a lowly Ryouka. Every time you heard his name it was always something incredible he had done. Deep down, you were envious. You wanted to be someone like him. Someone magnificent. But you were nothing but a coward. You couldn't even get the attention of the captain you had a hopeless crush on.

"Kuchiki-taicho.." you groaned. You knew it was impossible. You honestly didn't know why you fell in love with someone like him. He would never look as you as an equal. He was a noble and a captain. You knew it was futile, but ever since he had saved you from a hollow attack, you couldn't stop thinking of him. You always volunteer to deliver any work that was needed to be carried to the Sixth squad barracks just so you could see him. Those cold eyes, most people feared them, but all you wanted was for him to look at you with the same amount of admiration you held for him. 

You wanted to be seen.

You really wished it hadn't been him though. You promised yourself that if you hadn't confess at the end of the day, you would give up on your stupid crush, cause all it brought was more heartache.

Yes, today was the day. You would give up on your love for him once and for all.


(Y/N)-san, did you deliver the paperwork. " you smiled at Ukitake. "Yes, Ukitake-taicho. But, I think I annoyed Kuchiki-taicho." Ukitake laughed. "Did you zone out again." You nodded with a bashful smile. "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself (Y/N)-san, you're an exceptional shinigami." you looked down. 

You knew he was trying to be encouraging, in all honestly he must have believed what he was saying, but you didn't. You were just plain You jumped when you heard a loud bang outside. The door swung open suddenly and in came Kiyone and Sentaro.

"Taicho what do you need us to do!!!" they said in unison. They turned to each other with angered expressions. You smiled as they continued to bicker about who was the most useful.

You bowed to Ukitake. "I guess I'll be taking my leave then Ukitake-taicho." He nodded.

"Yes, see you later (Y/N)-san." you nodded as you slid the door open walking out.

Sentaro and Kiyone stopped their arguing watching you leave. "Is she alright? She looked a bit down." Kiyone voiced.

"She's probably disappointed at how poor a job you do as a third seat." Sentaro retorted.

Kiyone face flamed up. "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!!!"

Ukitake sighed. 

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