Chapter 9

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After your encounter and countless experiments to make sure you were actually awake you realized it was all real. 

You weren't dreaming.

Whenever Byakuya visited you were nervous. Unohana was always there making sure you were okay. You still thought this was some part of a sick joke that your mind was constructing to deal with your trauma. But it wasn't.

 Byakuya Kuchiki had really confessed to you, and made a declaration that he would make you fall in love with him.

When you were still restricted to the bed, Byakuya visited everyday. You were not sure how to react anymore. At least you weren't scared of him anymore. You could tell he was grateful you didn't flinch or tense in his presence anymore, at least not in fear. You were very nervous though. Every time you saw him those words played back in your head. 

You tried not to let it show, just how much him being around you was affecting you, but you couldn't exactly do anything about it. Unohana ordered that if you needed anything just ask her, or Byakuya. Since she was mostly busy with managing her squad, she'd leave most of your care to Byakuya. Even when you begged her not too.

You knew you should have been happy. You had always wanted Byakuya's attention, now that you had it you didn't know what to do. You felt vulnerable around him. More so because he was taking care of you.

The memory of that one day he actually spoon fed you was still fresh in your mind. You insisted you were fine, that you could do it yourself. Byakuya saw you coughing that day and apparently assumed the worst. You told him you were fine and reached to get the food Unohana left for you. Before you could get it he picked up the bowl. It was just rice and curry. Something Rukia had introduced from the World of the Living. Byakuya gave a stern look.

"You look weak today. I'll have to feed you. " His stoic expression never changed. You blinked. It took your brain a few minutes to really process the words, when you did your entire face erupted in red.

"I-I can do it myself!!" you protested.

His eyes fixed on you, making you cower back into the sheets.

Without a word, he sat down at the edge of your bed. You were as stiff as a board. Byakuya picked up a spoonful of rice and curry, raising towards your mouth. You continued to blush, leaning forward reluctantly with your mouth open. You took in the food, chewing as he pulled the spoon away. Your eyes were closed as you chewed.

"This is so embarrassing.." you thought. You never thought you would ever be in such a situation. You were positive if you ever told anyone about this they wouldn't believe a word of it.

You swallowed opening your mouth to get another spoonful.

It went on like that for a few minutes. Byakuya didn't say a word as he fed you. When the bowl was finally empty you smiled a little. "T-Thank you." He nodded. He moved to get up and place down the bowl but something stopped him. He was staring at your face intently.

"I-Is something wrong?"

"There is curry on your cheek." he stated. You flushed. "G-Goodness, I'm s-sorry I didn't mean to make a mess I-I just-" you froze when you felt his thumb brush your cheek. You stared as his gaze locked unto you.

"So messy..." he mumbled under his breath. His entire palm was on your cheek now. You released a pleased sigh.

"Sorry.." you whispered back quietly. You couldn't look away, you didn't want to. Your lips trembled in anticipation. His thumb moved to your lower lip and a pleasant shiver ran up your spine. Just to think, a few weeks ago you couldn't imagine being in the same room as him, now all you wanted was him to be closer.

"Closer.." Your eyelids lowered as you moved in. Byakuya did the same.

You lips brushed slightly before-

"(Y/N)-chan!!" you jumped back at the child like voice that you knew to well. "Y-Y-Yachiru!!" you avoided Byakuya's gaze as you rose slowly. He didn't even look the least bit worried that the both of you were almost caught. Yachiru looked between the both of you completely oblivious.

"Such bad timing." you thought defeatedly.

"I will check on you later. " Byakuya said as he exited. He always found a way to look cool. While you were there standing red faced next to the bed.

"Stupid noble." you grumbled. 

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