Chapter 8

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"Is she okay?" Unohana looked at the noble. "Yes, she seems to be interacting and moving fine. Her reiatsu has come back to it's regular base.

"Can I see her?"

"I don't think that is a good idea." Byakuya just looked at her. "She's stable right now, seeing you could drive her back to her previous state."

"I need to see her. " Unohona's eyes were closed but she could hear the insistence in his voice. She sighed.

"This goes against my better judgement but I'll give you a short time. I have a feeling you will go whether I say yes or no. " Byakuya followed as she led him to your room.

You sat up in your bed smoothing out your sheets as you grinned. Ichigo's visit really made everything better. Rukia helped to, you needed her to know it wasn't her fault. She looked so distraught. You gave a soft exhale. "Everything seems to be spiralling. So much for the calm days."

"(Y/N)-san, may I come in?" you grinned as the voice of the other side of the door.

"Of course Unohana-taicho." the door slid open and your smile immediately fell when you saw who was with her. Your eyes shook. Breathing suddenly felt like a challenge. You shut your eyes, gripping the sheets to get your heart rate under control.

"Just breathe, it's fine. " She stepped aside. "I know you may be against this but the both of you need some time to talk. I'll be close by just in case something happens." She didn't give you a chance to reply, because in seconds she was gone.

You tried to will your body to stop shaking as he stood in front of you.

For a while, he didn't say anything. You didn't look him in the eyes. You were to afraid to see that cold expression.

"I'm not going to hurt you." you looked up. You gave a dry chuckle. "That's funny, maybe it's because you already did." you retorted bitterly. Byakuya didn't expect such a response and neither did you. You were shocked you even said anything.

"Why did it. Why did you say those things to me." you whispered out.

For once you felt like you had a voice.

"I've never done anything to disrespect you Kuchiki-taicho. I've always seen you as someone great, someone I wanted to be like. I-I know such a thing is impossible but I.." you bit your lip.

"I just wanted you to be seen. A-And you broke that!" you started to yell.

"Y-YOU BROKE ME!!" you screamed in anger. "I-I LOVED YOU!!" you cried out. .

Byakuya's eyes widened at your confession. You sat there with a look of resent until the last few words ran through your head. You blinked in shock.

"N-No... I-I...I didn't mean to say that I don't know what's wrong with me I..." you babbled, face filled with dread.

"Why the hell did I say that!!" you thought. You wanted to get away, you needed to get away. You stood from your bed about to flashstep away. Just as you were about to disappear Byakuya grabbed your wrist. You looked up expecting a look of disgust, or displeasure. You were surprised at the soft look in his eyes. His hand wasn't even gripping that tightly. 

What shocked you the most is the fact that you weren't freaking out like before. This was the first time he'd been so close and you weren't completely terrified.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you." you just stared at him. Byakuya Kuchiki was...apologizing to you. He still held your hand. The both of you just stood there staring.

"It was never my intention, to make you fear me. This was not supposed to happen."

You swallowed. "Then..why did you do it? Why did you come a-at me like that?"

"I was..annoyed with the way you were acting with Ichigo, the way you addressed him. The way you looked at him, the way you hugged him." Byakuya's eyes shifted.

The pieces were slowly coming together. "You were..jealous.." you muttered to aloud.

You were dreaming, you had to be. This was some trick your mind was playing on you. You yanked your hand away. "I-It's a lie!!" you screamed with your eyes closed.

"Y-You're playing some sick joke because you've never looked at me you don't even remember sa-"

"Saving you." you stared.

"I do. That was the first time you looked my way (Y/N). It was also the first time I started to care for you."

Your hands moved to your mouth as your eyes got watery. "When that hollow attacked you, I admit, I only saved you because it was my duty. That was all. But...when you looked at me with those eyes, something changed. The way you looked at me, I wanted to be seen like that again, forever. That sparkle of admiration and amazement. It made me feel something I thought was gone. Every time we ran into each other after, you always looked at me and I felt like someone. Not just a noble, or captain to be fear. I felt like a person. I wanted that look all for myself, but I was too prideful to admit it. That was until you directed that look at someone else. "

"Y-You misunderstood!" you clarified. Byakuya watched you. "I-I never, I don't have those types of feelings for Ichigo. He treated me like his friend and I felt the same, to me he was like a sibling. I just wanted him to train me so..I could be someone you would notice. I was..trying to impress you Byakuya. " you confessed.

Realization crossed his face and he looked down. "I was a fool." he stated. He turned his back to you. You thought he was going to leave when he started walking to the door. Your hand reached out and you opened your mouth to speak and he suddenly stopped.

"I will make you fall in love with me again."

Your eyes widened. "W-What!"

He looked at you, and you almost stopped breathing at his intense stare. "I'm going to make up for all the pain I caused you. For the next few months I will look after you. Once you've fully recovered, you will be able to continue training with Ichigo. I won't interfere. But, everyday after you are well, I will work to make up for all the fear I made you feel, then I will make you fall in love with me again."

You didn't say a word, you didn't know what to say. Byakuya gave you a soft smile and your heart gave a thump. He turned back towards the door. "You should get some rest (Y/N). " with that he was gone.

You just stood there gaping like a fish.

"If this is a dream please don't wake me up. " 

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