Chapter 3

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"I already told you I'm I'm busy so quit bugging me!" you made a sad face.

"But Kurosaki-sama, if  I'm going to get strong I need an opponent to train with." you informed.

"I don't care, find someone else and stop calling me that." he said pointing at you.

You frowned. "Please, I really need this." Ichigo looked at you when he saw the hopeless look on your face. Ichigo had been making countless trips to the Soul Society. Every time he came you would pester him to train you but he always denied you. But you really wanted this.

Ichigo sighed. 

"Fine." he grumbled. "R-Really you will?!!" you jumped at him hugging his torso.

"Thank you Kurosaki-sama!!!"

"F-Fine but no hugging!" Ichigo yelled with flushed cheeks. You giggled.


"I heard Ichigo is back again. " Byakuya said as he walked with his Lieutenant.

"Yeah, guess he's just happy to be a reaper again. We still haven't settled our fight yet." Renji said with a grin. They continued walking when they saw  two figures training in an open area at the squad Four barracks.

"Is that...Ichigo?" Renji muttered aloud. They looked and realized it was indeed Ichigo, who appeared to be fighting with some girl.

"Hey I know that kid. She's been following Ichigo around for weeks. Seems he's become quite popular. " Renji snickered. The red haired reaper glanced in Byakuya's direction. He was a bit surprised at the look that reflected in the dark haired reaper's eyes.

"Is it me or does he look..annoyed?"

When they both heard a loud explosion there eyes zeroed in on the commotion.

"You were standing a distance away staring in awe. "D-Did I do that?" Ichigo stood from where he had just barely avoided the blast that you released. He looked at the tree that was completely destroyed.

"That wasn't too bad. You almost got me that time. Good job. Just stay focused." You smiled widely. That was the biggest one you had gotten since you started.

"T-Thank you Kurosaki-sama!" you glomped him. Ichigo was about to object, but he stopped when he saw the happy tears running down your cheeks. He smiled.

"You're doing great, keep it up." He said rubbing your head lightly. Whether he wanted to admit it, you had become somewhat of a little sister to him.

"I didn't realize they were so close." Renji commented from his spot. He flinched when he turned back and Byakuya was now at the training area with you and Ichigo.

"Is that supposed to be an attack?" you turned, letting go of Ichigo.

"Kuchiki-taicho.." you mumbled. Byakuya walked up to the both of you taking out his sword.

"That attack was weaker than a Kido, you won't get anywhere with useless defenses like that. " your eyes wavered as you looked down. Ichigo frowned.

"What's the big deal, she's still learning quit being a jerk. " Byakuya wore an uninterested look.

"She's weak, and she'll only become weaker if you keep babying her. " Byakuya pointed his sword at you. "Fight me." your eyes widened. "W-What b-but I-" you didn't have a chance to reply to him properly. Byakuya swung at you aggressively. You jumped back, raising your sword at the last second. Your swords connected. You flinched, hands shaking as you struggled as he pushed against you with his blade.

You flashstepped away, creating a distance between the both of you.

"What the hell, w-why did he suddenly-" you jolted when he appeared behind you. You braced to use your zampaktou to block again, but he was too quick. His blade connected with your right arm. Your eyes sprung open as you cried out in pain. He pulled back and blood squirted from your forearm. Your blade dropped from your hand as you held the injured limb to your body, tears running down your cheeks.

Ichigo's gaze hardened. "Hey!!" Byakuya ignored the call.

"In battle, never let the enemy know your in pain. Those who are as weak as you usually die in battle." you bit your lip to try and ease the pain in your hand. "W-Why is he being so mean.." you didn't understand. Had you done something to annoy him.

He raised his finger pointing it at you.  "Binding Spell 61: Six Light Rod Prison. " A bright yellow light shot out from his finger trapping your body in a kido. The attack looked like rods going around your body. You gasped, hands bounded at your sides.

Byakuya raised his blade. "What will you do, the enemy has you trapped, if you don't escape you'll die." you trembled as he approached with his blade raised. "K-Kuchiki-taicho..."

"T-Taicho!" Renji called in shock.

"How will you get out of this." your eyes were shaking as you looked at him scared. You cowered, closing your eyes when he brought his blade down on you.

The sound of metal clashing made you look up. Ichigo stood in front of you with his sword drawn, blocking the attack. His gaze was fierce as he looked at Byakuya.

"That's enough!" Ichigo said sternly. When Byakuya looked over he saw the fear in your eyes as you looked at him. He'd never seen you look at him with those eyes before. You were still trembling on the ground. He pulled back his blade, sheathing it. Without a word he turned walking away. You released a staggering breath when his kido suddenly vanished.

You were letting out heavy breaths as you tried to calm down your heart.

"H-He was going to kill me.." you said shakily. Tears were running down your cheeks profusely as you grabbed a fistful of dirt as you cried on the ground. Ichigo stooped down, rubbing your back soothingly as you continued to cry.

Byakuya flashstepped back to where Renji was.

"Let's go." he ordered. Renji vglanced down at your shaken form before nodding.

"Y-Yes taicho."

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