• c h a p t e r 1 •

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Hello lovelies! Welcome to the first chapter :) Up top is what I imagine Dr. Mirabelle's office/home to be. It is built above Zachary Home for Recovery, so she technically lives at the care center. It's a vital location to this book so I thought I'd share it :)

P.S. that house does not belong to me in any way, neither do any of the pictures. Just thought it's a cute aesthetic to what the place could be like!

Enjoy :)

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M i r a b e l l e •





Mirabelle's eyes felt as if they weighed a thousand bricks. She tried peeling them open, only to have them uselessly shut on her. She softly groaned, trying once more. At last, a soft red hue filtered through her eyelids, every neuron shuttering awake at the sensation. When she finally peeled her eyes open, successfully this time, her eyesight was blurry for a moment before it
adjusted to the light.

She woke to the sight of her room encased in the morning sunlight. She sighed, basking in the beautiful morning, before finally sitting up and stretching her limbs, a grin on her face as she thought of the day to come.

She threw the covers off of her body and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Swiftly getting out of bed, she headed for the bathroom, nearly tripping over the bucket that collected the water droplets from the ceiling above on her way there. She recollected herself as quick as the hit came, grinned and skipped over to her bathroom as if nothing happened.

Once she was ready for the day, Mirabelle started making her way down the stairs and into the rest of her mini house. It was a two story apartment with an open floor plan. A railing was on the edge of her bedroom, allowing her to oversee her bottom floor. The bottom floor consisted of her office, which was across from her living room, and a small kitchen to the side and between the two. There were no walls separating the rooms, so one could see the whole house at the same time, minus the bathroom which was on the second floor with the bedroom and was its own space.

She had a third floor as well, which was a rooftop garden where Mirabelle spent a lot of her time. She gardened a lot, so she made the space her personal haven, with a swing and a few young trees, and pristine grass.

Mirabelle whistled a tune as she walked into her living room, frowning when she didn't see Mrs. Fernandez's smiling face like usual. Just a moment later, her house door opened and she whipped her head around to see Mrs. Fernandez making her way inside the apartment, a coffee mug in her hand.

Mirabelle grinned and made her over to the caretaker.

"Good morning, Mrs. Fernandez," Mirabelle said, reaching for her coffee.

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