• p r o l o g u e - M i r a b e l l e •

31 1 6

• six years earlier •

Mirabelle Williams was beyond raged.

Flagging her paper in one hand, she whizzed through the halls of her university, stomping her way to her professor's office.

How dare her professor mark her unequally?!

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How dare her professor mark her unequally?!

She ripped the professor's door open, not caring how unprofessional it was.

The professor jumped in his seat, startled. He whipped his head to the door, a hand to his fragile heart.

In her fit of rage, Mirabelle didn't notice the other body in the room. She advanced further in, her breaths coming out in pants as she stared her professor down.


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"Ms. Mirabelle Williams, I am in the middle of an appointment-"

"An 'F'?" Mirabelle asked incredulously. "Why?"

Her professor swallowed and turned to the student seated in the chair in front of him.

"Mr. Michaels', can you please wait outside for a few minutes?" Professor Herbert requested.

Dallan Michaels looked away from the intriguing girl at the door and nodded politely at his professor.

He got up and made his way outside, stopping just outside the door. He couldn't help but eavesdrop into the conversation that was taking place.

Meanwhile, Mirabelle couldn't contain her anger anymore. She took two strides forward and slammed her paper onto Professor Herbert's desk. He jumped again, looking away from her and to the wall behind her.

"Why in the world would you fail me for this, Professor Herbert? This was an opinion essay. I'm supposed to give my opinions!" Mirabelle exclaimed.

Dr. Mirabelle Williams is a PsychoWhere stories live. Discover now