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Foxy's POV

I saw grim foxy and started to burst in flames and sprinted to me. "Bring it on, you fucker!" I yelled at him.  And I jumped up and launched at him. Grim foxy Swung his hook at me, and it nailed me in the leg. I fell forwards and landed on my face. I got up and stared at him. "What's wrong foxy, all the power you have and you can't defeat me? It's fine, you will just have to face your fate the way you are attended." Then he lunged at me. I dodged and shot a beam at him. It hit him in the side of the face. It left a burnt mark. He yelled and gave me an angry look. Then he started throwing fire balls. I kept dodging enough to realized that the other animatronics are surrounded by glitchy animatronics. I need to help them.... But I can't do anything. Then that's when I saw it. Two lights in the middle of the group. A white and red light, then a huge explosion burst in the middle. "NOO!" I yelled. All I saw was smoke In the replacement of the others. I started to tear up and I looked at grim foxy. Then I went berserk. I slashed my hook, I threw energy balls, and started yelling"you will pay" Over and over. Then I saw a green light. I looked over and saw him. It was glitch Bonnie standing over an almost dead glitchy animatronic. Then he absorbed the animatronic, and he started to grow. Then waves upon waves of glitchy animatronics started to flow towards him. Then he started to grow bigger and bigger till he is as tall as the Empire State Building. Then he looked at me and smiled.

This is the end of me.... Then grim foxy kicked me and knocked me down to the floor. I was ready to die and finally be at peace. That's when something hit grim foxy right in the chest. I looked over and saw Isabella with mangle. I got up and ran to mangle. I tackled/hugged her till she can't breathe. When I let go I saw that the other animatronics was protected by a shield. I was so glad that everyone is fine. But now we have a new threat. And he is huge. "So any plans guys?" I asked. Isabella looked at me and nodded but she didn't look Ike she want to do the plan. "I have something.... But you won't like the outcome," Isabella said. "All you have time do is distract him while I summon an energy ball to make him explode." I don't know what she was talking about the outcome, but I'm not going to question it. So I gathered everyone else and told them the plan. And I told everyone that has powers to follow me. That's when Madison and Liam. Stepped up. " Wait you guys have powers?" I asked. "Since when?" Madison started, "when we were surrounded by those glitchy animatronics, we just felt the power inside of us. So we just made an energy ball and asked lefty to make a shield I  case it kills us." Now it makes sense. So  gathered all the animatronics with powers to Isabella and mangle. "Okay.... We are here what are we to do?" Madison asked.

"Just distract him." Isabella said. And she ran off. We turned to huge glitch Bonnie. "Okay.... Let's do this." I said and we started to fly to his face. And each of us started to shoot out and energy beam out if our hands. I hope that Isabella's plan works.

Isabella's POV

I don't want to do it but I have to. To save everyone.... But I don't want to leave them.... Not now. But it's the only way.... I have to....
I started to charge up the energy ball. I want more time.... I want more days.... I want to stay.... The energy ball starts to surround me. I just wish I would have told them.... I want to tell them. I just need more time. Now the energy ball is around me and ready. I need to tell them to go away and run to the sister location bunker. I need to tell them everything. I flew up and stared down at glitch trap. And j started to tear. Floods of memories started to play in my head.... My birth, my eighth birthday, all the pranks I pulled on everyone. And their laughter.... And I started to send transmissions to everyone.... Everyone, leave the area. You need to get to the sister location bunker.... You need to stay there as long as you can... I paused for a second and said, I will miss you guys. Goodbye. Then I teleported everyone to the bunker. And then glitch Bonnie is now confused.... He looked around and saw me. "What are you doing little one?" He asked. I looked at him and started to yell at him saying, YOU TORMENTED ME AND MY FAMILY LONG ENOUGH!!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE!!!!" Then I started to fly towards him at full speed. I was aiming at his chest. But he smacked me aside. With the energy ball still around me, I maneuvered around him and struck him from behind. As soon I reach the middle of him, I yelled"IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO FACE YOUR FATE." Then.... I exploded.

Foxy's POV

I woke up with everyone around me. I looked around and saw everyone started to wake up. Then I felt it.... The huge wave of energy flowing across. And I can't feel Isabella's energy. I started to get worried so I told lefty to teleport us back to the battlefield. But when we got their.... Their was only a crater left.... And no sign of her.... I was not about to lose her.... Then we started to hear sirens. I told lefty to bring us back to the sister location bunker. Now that we are their.... I have to tell val and element the news....

Crater, police scene

The police department is in the crater looking for evidence of what made the explosion. But the found nothing. Till one officer found something glowing in the ditch.... When the police force walked over to it, the thing started to glow green. And the world glitched out for a second so he can escape.

The end of book four.

Again..... Another short book, but I assure you the next book is going to be longer.... Be prepared for surprises and a bunch of new characters. See you soon

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